Corona traffic light changes several districts – this became known “Today”. The commission colored another region orange, Zwettl in Lower Austria.
In reality, the crown traffic light has already been ad absurd in recent days and weeks. The highest government already ordered new crown measures for the entire federal territory on Thursday afternoon. However, the traffic light commission met at night for the second time this week.
► How “Today” learned, several districts will be recolored on Thursday. Zwettl municipality will be orange, six other regions will be yellow: Eisenstadt, Eisenstadt Umgebung, Stadt Salzburg, Villach, Rust and Imst. However, this is only a risk assessment that is no longer associated with concrete measures, as these have already been decreed by the government.
45 already colorful districts
As reported, dozens of regions of the country were recolored on Monday of this week alone. Among other things, the provincial capitals Vienna and Innsbruck have already been changed to orange. The detailed list before regrinding HERE:
► Orange 8 wrong: Vienna, twice Tyrol (Innsbruck-Stadt, Kufstein), twice Vorarlberg (Dornbirn, Bludenz), three times Lower Austria (Mödling, Neunkirchen, Zwettl) now glow orange.
► 37 yellows: 15 regions of Upper Austria (Linz-Stadt, Wels-Stadt, Steyr-Stadt, Eferding, Freistadt, Gmunden, Grieskirchen, Kirchdorf, Linz-Land, Perg, Rohrbach, Steyr-Land, Urfahr-Umgebung, Vöcklabruck, Wels-Land) , 11 in Lower Austria (Krems, St. Pölten, Wr.Neustadt, Baden, Bruck, Gänserndorf, Korneuburg, Krems-Land, Lilienfeld, Wr.Neustadt-Land, Zwettl), two in Vorarlberg (Bregenz, Feldkirch), four in Tirol (Innsbruck-Land, Landeck, Schwaz, Imst), one in Salzburg (City of Salzburg) and three in Burgenland (Eisenstadt, Eisenstadt-Umgebung, Rust) and one in Carinthia (Villach) are yellow.