Relief organization: “Don’t forget your family members who take care of you during the crisis!”


September 13, Solidarity Family Day: the president of the aid organization Karas warns about raising awareness and supporting family members in solidarity.

Vienna (OTS)Caring relatives they are the backbone of the home care system. But they are often invisible“, it means Othmar Karas, President of the Aid organization Austria. “Because family caregivers keep care and support going at home even during a crisis, they are often not seen. Your commitment and your challenges will be underratedbecause they don’t get noticed ”, explains Karas.

the Stress in home care and support to have In crisis however huge it is pointed. Affected people and their families were found to be at risk in further isolation, there was a lack of prospects, strength and trust would weaken. “We have to react urgently and others support for offer, for example in the form of specific advice to help develop plans and solutions for the next few months together. Some of those affected and their families also need psychosocial help to strengthen their courage to face life and their self-help capacities. People who need care and their families finally need it free, decentralized and rapidly available test infrastructure up and running. Qualified nurses know exactly the family situation, they can take test swabs thanks to their training and thus contribute to a rapid certainty about the infection, ”says Karas about the sensible use of the existing skills of mobile services.

Measure the needs of family caregivers

Of the 462,000 Beneficiaries of the care subsidy live in austria 79 percent at home. They are mostly of loving relatives attended, 38.5 percent exclusively, 33 percent use the support of mobile services such as home nursing and home help, around 5 percent have 24-hour care. “That is why the next care reform must also take into account the well-being of the family members who care for them and verify all the measures to determine what effects it has on this highly stressed target group,” says Karas.

Support and relief are provided to those in need of care and their caregivers, especially through Mobile care and assistance services specialists granted. Therefore, it is essential not only to improve the framework of your services, but also to specifically promote and expand specific mobile services. “Skilled caregiver workers can ease physical and mental strain on caregivers. This requires reasonable framework conditions so that specialists can help quickly and sufficiently ”, Karas demands.

Specifically, the relief organization proposes the following Support measures for family caregivers In front:

  • free and comprehensive initial consultation for caregivers in all federal states by nurses and / or social workers
  • low threshold offers for nursing and professional coaching and psychosocial counseling and support for family caregivers
  • Help offers available without bureaucracy For care waiting times, for recreation, and to protect self-interest, existing options for substitute care (cost subsidy for private or professional care) need to be further expanded.
  • Care and work compatibility in the sense of a legal right to part-time care / care leave for the entire possible duration of the part-time care / care leave
  • Recognition of nursing skills acquired informally, that is, those who have committed to family care and nursing should receive specific support to change or enter a care profession. | |

Queries and contact:

Aid Agency Austria, Federal Office
DI Roland Wallner
01 / 4057500-230, Car: 0676/8787 60203
