Who now receives the Corona child benefit on account – Austria


Families go through a particularly difficult phase during the Covid 19 crisis. Therefore, the government wants to provide financial support to families.

On Tuesday, Finance Minister Blümel and Labor Minister Aschbacher held a press conference to start paying the Corona bonus for families: the family allowance is now increased in the form of a single payment, the so-called bonus per child.

Parents can look forward to it, because the child bonus will already be paid this week. Some have already received the money. All those who have not yet received the money will transfer it to their account in the next few days.

Finance Minister Gernot Blümel and Family Minister Christine Aschbacher at the presentation of Corona money for parents
Finance Minister Gernot Blümel and Family Minister Christine Aschbacher at the presentation of Corona money for parentsHERBERT PFARRHOFER / APA / picturedesk.com

Families receive the child bonus for each child for which a parent receives a family allowance. In addition to the family allowance, 360 euros are paid. This is a one-time payment from the federal government to support families during the Covid 19 pandemic and to increase purchasing power in times that are already difficult for the economy. Above all, though, it’s a financial relief in terms of starting school, Aschbacher said.

Payment without request

The child bonus is paid automatically and without application. Therefore, it is not necessary to submit an additional request. The Minister of Labor, Aschbacher, has made it clear that all those who are entitled to the family allowance within a specified period in September will automatically receive this single payment of 360 euros in addition to the family allowance. Single-parent families and single-parent families in particular would benefit from the child bonus, he explained.

The child voucher reaches around 1.8 million children across Austria. A total of almost 653 million euros will be disbursed nationwide. For Vienna there is a little less than 149 million euros paid as a child allowance.

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