The talent: how Navalny Putin could be so dangerous


Immediately afterwards he joined the Yabloko (apple) party, a reserve of liberal-democratic forces. In the 2007 elections, Grigori Jawlinski’s party lost its last deputy. The miserable election result: 1.6 percent of the vote.

Navalny had long had a fight with his party friends, mostly teachers. He said goodbye with the nationalist salute “Honor to Russia”. He had previously founded the “Da” (Yes) movement with Marija Gaidar, daughter of the late politician Jegor Gaidar.

During this time, the young lawyer flagged with extremely right-wing and xenophobic slogans, especially against immigrant workers from Central Asia, who at the time were trusted to carry out any unexplained crimes. She considered Ukraine and Belarus as “sister states”, since her father comes from Ukraine, right on the border with Belarus. Alexej had spent his summer vacation there with Grandma.

Putin’s “con man party”

For Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin party, “United Russia,” he coined the term “party of thieves and criminals,” which according to polls, 43 percent of Russians soon believed was correct.

But Putin probably didn’t notice the opposition politician until 2013. Because in the fall 2013 mayoral election he was allowed to run for Boris Nemtsov’s party, who was then shot on a bridge. Navalny received a sensational 27 percent of the vote and came in second behind incumbent Segey Sobyanin.

Language of the common people

Nawalny’s recipe for success is also his rhetorical talent. He is well received by the fools of Moscow and Petersburg, but he also speaks the language of ordinary people in rural areas. “His political instincts almost never disappoint him,” says Moscow political scientist Jekaterina Schulmann. “He has charisma and psychic presence.”

His electoral manifesto is not particularly specific. His motto: “Don’t lie, don’t steal.”
But “little is left of the nationalists and xenophobes, except for the demand for free arms,” ​​Der Spiegel writes.

Alexej Navalny never had great financial worries: he receives donations from his many followers for his work. They are mostly small amounts.

Stock Market Professional

But Navalny is a professional in the stock market. With his brother Oleg he founded a Cypriot offshore company, which was legal and at least economically protected him from the attacks of the Russian state. Oleg Navalny has been shown to have made around $ 1.2 million between 2008 and 2011 in a deal with French cosmetics company Yves Rocher.
