As of yesterday, the pop-up pool in the Vienna belt is history. But it might come back soon. Because the city is now considering buying the mobile pool.
That’s what Green Deputy Mayor Birgit Hebein said Tuesday at a joint press conference with district leaders Markus Reiter from Neubau (Greens) and Gerhard Zatlokal from Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus (SPÖ).
Districts 7 and 15 have rented the swimming pool for the “Gürtelfrische” project at the intersection of Stollgasse and Felberstrasse. On Sunday you were able to swim there for the last time. The project is currently being dismantled and the intersection will be open to cars again starting Thursday.
Option until the end of the year
Initially it was agreed to rent the pool from current operators, Hebein says. There is a purchase option for the city until the end of the year. It is currently having a legal check to see if it will be removed.
What this would cost is still unclear, he said. The idea behind it: many other districts, but also cities in Germany, have expressed interest in the pool.
Hebein left open whether “the city” referred to his department. You are in the process of figuring out what is “reasonable.”
Red Division dismisses teammates
The SPÖ should have little joy with that. As reported by the KURIER, the press and information service (PID) in the district chief of the Zatlokal municipality refused to extend the project last week.
The SPÖ politician wanted to install the swimming pool for another five weeks in Auer-Welsbach-Park in the 15th district. The PID did not release the necessary budget of 80,000 euros.