In summary: “We will have to work much faster in autumn”


They also want to relieve families of income taxes through collective bargaining reform. The first stage is already decided, but will the other stages also come next year?

The government program is applied, relief measures are implemented like all other measures. Now we have advanced the tax reduction for the lowest incomes, especially the small and medium incomes that will benefit from it this year, with the agreed payments of 360 euros per child that can lead to a deduction of more than 1000 euros per year.


Step by Step. Discharge approval for this year has already been decided.

Are you ruling out a tax increase despite considerable additional costs to the state?

Tax increases would be the absolutely wrong path. What we have to create is to make the location more attractive and generate employment. We need economic growth, that’s the most important thing. It is not the absolute number of our national debts, but above all the percentage in relation to economic output. That has to fall back, we need to grow, and that is where we will focus our energies. I am very happy that massive growth is forecast again for next year.

Will more money be needed, for example for the self-employed, for all those who currently have little or no business? How much money do we still have available for these emergency funds?

We have built a very large rescue package of 50 billion euros and so far 23 billion euros have been moved. Many support measures have not yet been requested, such as the fixed-cost subsidy, I think the situation has improved somewhat in many sectors, but it is true that there are sectors that are particularly affected, such as city hotels, restaurants, cultural establishments and others. where the The situation is still difficult. But there is hardly a country with such a generous aid package as Austria.

Schools with a weak social environment must receive special support; in a pilot project, this will help 100 schools. But there are significantly more socially disadvantaged schools, don’t we need more measures and additional money, otherwise we will lose many children?

The ministry, together with the federal states, will quickly define the focus schools, support them with school psychologists and administrative staff so that all children can truly continue their homeschooling with little support.

Is it a question of money? How do you decide which schools will receive support?

The ministry will do that, depending on how badly the schools are affected.

We are waiting for the corona traffic light. Should the result be that regions that are green no longer have to use a mask? Should it bring the expected relaxation and normality?

What is not currently pending is to take steps back because we have a growing number of infections at this time. Minister Anschober will present the traffic light next week, but the growing number of infections will tend to toughen measures and not to withdraw. It’s clear that fall and winter will be challenging.

In your opinion, do the tests work well?

The authorities know my approach and that of all the experts: the more tests are carried out, the better it is possible to control the pandemic. Glad I was able to greatly increase the testing capabilities. It is clear that many things will have to work faster in the fall, because the shorter the time between a suspected case and the result, the easier it is to prevent further spread.

But in view of the wave of flu looming in the fall, do we have to assume that if there are more suspected cases, more tests will have to be done and that will take longer again?

It really is just a matter of organization. At first there was a severe bottleneck in testing, but now the delays are just homemade because the logistics don’t always work. All authorities are asked to prepare for this phase in the best possible way.
