7.7 million won in the lottery: “How recently in love”


The victory of 7,749,269.60 was achieved with the first of seven quick tips. The amount was the ninth highest in lottery history. “We play regularly, and then Quicktipp, we don’t have any favorite numbers. And we only played for a draw,” the Austrian lotteries quote.

Lottery winner: “Numbers dialed three times”

The fact that the man’s family had cracked Lotto six was only noticed the next day. His wife had screamed upstairs, at first she thought something terrible had happened.

But the opposite was the case. The woman stuttered some of the “six numbers” on the lottery ticket, the winner recalled. “We checked the numbers three times,” he reported, “with the application, with teletext, everything worked. And only when we did a third comparison on the Internet did we see that there was only a single six.”

Artisans want to spend more time with the family.

“The most important and beautiful thing is that I will have more time for my family and that I can be a true father to my children, who have only seen me sporadically for a long time,” continued the artisan, who, according to the announcement, spent a long time between He had to travel to the construction site of the house and his dream job. With the profit, the loan for the new address will be paid and the vacation will be taken. The lucky one wants to continue his work.

(Source: APA)
