Severely injured in a fire in Wiener Gemeindebau – reader


Around 6.20 p.m., a dark plume of smoke rose suddenly to the sky above the Karl Seitz farm in Floridsdorf. A fire broke out in an apartment and a woman was seriously injured.

The professional fire department immediately moved to the site in Dunatgasse or Edisonstrasse in Vienna’s 21st district with a revolving staircase. A fire broke out in an apartment on the second floor of the Karl-Seitz-Hof.

Under respiratory protection, emergency services managed to break into the apartment and extinguish the “brief but violent house fire,” as a fire department spokesperson said. “Today” describes.

Wounded in a fire in the Vienna municipal building

Wounded in a fire in the Vienna municipal building

A reporter reader witnessed the operation. “There was a lot of smoke coming out of the window,” he writes, sending us the previous movie.

The dramatic scenes also turned out badly for a victim. Like the Viennese professional rescue “Today” confirmed, a seriously injured woman had to be transferred to a hospital.

A second patient also had to be taken to a hospital after a weakness. The connection between this person and the fire event was unclear on Tuesday night.

Fortunately, the incident ended comparatively lightly for three other people. They had to be cared for by the professional rescue service on the disaster train that was also used, but could then be delivered to home care.

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