SPÖ outraged by Kogler’s wealth tax “consequences”


The Greens would completely subordinate themselves to government partner ÖVP “and thereby betray its principles and core political content,” said SPÖ federal manager Christian Deutsch. FSG Federal President Rainer Wimmer put it more clearly: “Turquoise advocates of the wealthy and heirs to the millions prevail and whistle at the vice chancellor in the fair distribution of the tax burden,” accusing Kogler of “political turmoil. classic”.

It is about deciding who will bear the costs of the crisis. We do not have to discuss this question tomorrow or “in a few years”. This discussion has to start today.

Posted by Pamela Rendi-Wagner on Sunday May 3, 2020

There is no alternative to “equitable wealth contributions

Chancellor Sebastián Kurz (ÖVP) and Vice Chancellor Kogler, according to their “mantra ‘costs what it is'”, “now they must say with absolute clarity who will have to pay the costs in what form,” demanded the governor of Carinthia, SPÖ, Peter. Emperor If you do not want to jeopardize the welfare state, “you will not be able to avoid equitable wealth contributions,” he said.

Expand funding for crown measures

The Corona crisis shows how “enormously valuable” the welfare state is. In the long run, however, it will only be possible if financing is more extensive, taxing large inheritances and assets. This must now be addressed, said Chamber of Labor President Renate Anderl. Because “it is not an option that employees pay the costs of the crisis with cuts in the social system.”

In an interview with the ATV television station on Saturday night, Kogler said “millionaires and billionaires could not be left out,” but the question would only arise “in a few years.” Because the “burden” of the Corona crisis “will only come to us in a few years,” Austria could borrow cheaply at this time.

(Source: APA)
