Quarantine or rapid test of 190 euros at the airport – Lower Austria


There will be a rapid test of Corona at the Vienna-Schwechat airport starting Monday. If you arrive, you can make it pay or you have to quarantine it.

Everything new on Monday at the Vienna airport: whoever lands or flies can undergo a rapid coronavirus test for 190 euros. Arrivals that do not do this and that do not show negative results that are not more than four days old must be quarantined for 14 days. Departures can fly, but are likely to be quarantined in the destination country.

Pre-registration for exams

Trust DNA Analyzes GmbH established a laboratory on the airport premises for testing. You can pre-register by phone or email. The laboratory is located in Office Park 3 (ground floor) at the airport and can be accessed through a side access. Positive crown tests are reported directly to the authority.

Wait about three hours

On-site throat swab results should be available within two to three hours. Incidentally, tests should not only be open to passengers. If you are not traveling but want to test and have a find, you should also be able to test yourself at the Vienna airport. Also for this test 190 euros are due.

Currently, all airlines check in at Vienna Airport is only done in Terminal 3 at counters 301-399. Also, the City Airport Train (CAT) is temporarily not operational. Vienna airport lines are still available at a reduced offer.

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