
The fourth week of the exceptional coronavirus situation in Austria comes to an end. There are still strict exit restrictions. From Tuesday, however, there will be a first relaxation of business and services.
- The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Styria it is included 1499 (According to the Ministry of Health; as of Friday at 7 p.m.).
- 437 people were considered on Friday night in Styria recuperate.
- In Styria they are now 73 deaths To complain: their average age was 81 years.
- Still applies Exit restrictions for everyone.
- More than 2000 ads So far, the police have returned
- Easter fire they are prohibited throughout the state.
- The health phone Only 1450 for those who have symptoms! Please address general questions Tel. 0800 555 621.
- The Styrian Hotline Crisis intervention it’s low 0800 500154 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) reachable
- Direct line for Parents and legal guardians: 0676 8666 4668
- Direct line social department from the country: 0800 20 10 10
- Nursing Hotline from the country: 0800 500 176 (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
- Free ZEBRA Concern Hotline with Interpretation 0800799702 (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.).
- He Trauma Association helps Austria offers telephone advice to 01 413 00 44 for people in quarantine or self-isolated.
- Caritas had to stop his home collection for the needed Styrics. We want to help: Donate to Styrian help Styrians under the password “Corona Help”.
Developments in Styria since Thursday, April 9 You can read in detail here.
The events of the day to read
9.20pm. The daily balance. 31 new infections were added on Good Friday. A total of 1,499 people tested positive in Styria. This is how they are distributed among the districts:
- Bruck-Mürzzuschlag: 50 (+4)
- Deutschlandsberg: 39 (+1)
- Graz: 402 (+11)
- Graz Area: 158 (+11)
- Hartberg-Fürstenfeld: 282 (+2)
- Leibnitz: 167 (+1)
- Leoben: 23 (-)
- Liezen: 78 (-)
- Murau: 5 (-)
- Mur Valley: 31 (-)
- Southeast Styria: 47 (-)
- Voitsberg: 94 (-)
- Weiz: 123 (+1)
The number of ace recovered people reported are 437. 70 people recovered on Friday. The number of deceased increased by two to 73.
8:40 p.m .: Volunteers in front of the curtain! The crew of this Kapfenberg Red Cross Covid ambulance in the Bruck-Mürzzuschlag district is also working for the population.
8:00 p.m.: 31 new cases. The level remains stable with new daily infections in Styria. As of 8 p.m. Friday there were 31 new confirmed infections, 1499 people have tested positive so far The previous two days I had within 24 hours. 36 new cases each dice.
7:00 p.m.: Death in Burgenland. One infected with the corona virus 83 year old woman from Styria died at Oberpullendorf hospital. It is the fifth death to date in Burgenland.
6.45pm: Easter salute to the soldiers. Governor Hermann Schützenhöfer uses a video to send Easter greetings to the approximately 300 Styrian soldiers currently deployed to Tirol and Vorarlberg.
6:20 pm: two deaths. On Good Friday, two Covid-19 related deaths occurred in Styria. A woman (born in 1930) from the Weiz district and a man (born in 1940) from the Graz-Umgebung district have died, reports the State Medical Directorate. Officially there 73 dead in Styria. Of the Styrian deceased, 34 were women and 39 men. The oldest victim was born in 1923, the youngest deceased was born in 1959.
The distribution of deaths by district:
- Hartberg-Fürstenfeld district: 23 deaths
- Graz-surroundings district: 16 deaths
- Graz state capital: 14 deaths
- Leibnitz district: five deaths
- Voitsberg district: four deaths
- Weiz district: four deaths
- Bruck-Mürzzuschlag district: two deaths
- Leoben district: two deaths
- Deutschlandsberg district: a death
- Liezen district: one death
- Murtal district: one death
6.10 p.m. The police can punish. Now what Kleine Zeitung reported yesterday is fixed. Starting Saturday morning, the police can also take certain measures to contain the crown epidemic in case of rape. Board mandates to exhibit. If you don’t cover your mouth and nose with a mask or scarf, you will face a penalty in the future 25 euros. All other violations are 50 euros Due This affects non-compliance with exit restrictions, such as entering quarantined areas or truly closed stores.
5.43 p.m. Important for motoring fans: The ADAC GT Masters originally planned for June 5-7 at the Red Bull Ring at Spielberg It has been postponed until the end of June due to the ban on sporting events. Organizer announced new date for races in sports car series on Friday October 16-18 known.
5:35 p.m. Good Friday live liturgy. At this point we transferred the Good Friday liturgy with the diocesan bishop from 6 p.m. Wilhelm Krautwaschl Live from the Cathedral of Graz.
5:30 pm. A call for help also comes from the Mur valley. Michael (36) has an immune disorder and cannot produce antibodies. The family now asks Blood plasma donations of people sick with Covid 19 and healthy again.
36 year old urgently needs blood plasma to survive Covid-19
05.05 p.m .: Request help from the nursing home. On Friday, the director of the Weizer District Nursing Home with a call for help to the district administration, the regional warning center and the regional office of Kleine Zeitung. Markus Gruber asked his staff and residents to be tested after several people contracted the coronavirus in the home. The call was answered, and the Red Cross test team appeared in the afternoon.
4:50 pm: Continue on the municipal council. With his misstep, the FPÖ member of the Landtag had Gerhard Hirschmann In mid-March it caused a stir. Despite initial restrictions, he had met friends at a club in his home community and ordered pizza. He then had to resign from the state parliament, but Hirschmann remains on the local council in his home municipality for the time being. Reason: this is not a political party, but one personal function.
4.30 p.m .: No deaths. The district Southeast Styria It is the only one in Styria that has not yet reported any deaths related to the virus. Even the number of active cases are relatively low at 25. District Captain Alexander Majcan is pleased with the trend. The regional editorial team at Feldbach investigated more details.
4.15 p.m .: The washing machine is not just a washing machine. Now there is also a Ministry specification on car washes without a service station: car washes (mostly self-service systems) They are NOT connected to a service station, you can only frequent systemically relevant vehicles (mail, logistics, care for the elderly, firefighters, rescue, service vehicles, etc.).
4.10 p.m .: Problems with hikers. Once again, a Styrian mayor clarifies his anger at the excessive influx of foreign visitors. Willibald Ebner, Boss Breitenau am Hochlantsch, mainly complains about tourists from southern Styria.
3:50 p.m .: Operation in the west. A company from the Jäger Battalion 17 in Straß has been deployed in Vorarlberg for two weeks. Among them are the so-called arms practitioners. Militiamen. One of them is Sergeant Emil H.
15:35: SPÖ demands higher unemployment benefits. The number of unemployed in Austria has soared to a record 560,000. “We have to support these people with higher unemployment benefits so that they can continue living even in a crisis,” says Styria. SPÖ member of the National Council Verena Nussbaum. It is true that economic risks are cushioned by companies with public money, but you should not forget hundreds of thousands of unemployed people and their families.
3.20 p.m .: Charity concert for animal welfare. If you have no plans for tonight, here’s a tip: there’s on Facebook and YouTube from 8 p.m. a charity concert and a poetry contest for animal welfare. It was organized by MP Styrian Greens Georg Schwarzl. More information about this at this link.
3 p.m.: youth digital work. The youth centers in Graz are currently closed, but only geographically. The youth center Echo especially cares for its young people through a digital platform Tutorships is asked Here is the story of Verena Schaupp.
2.45 p.m.: Car wash allowed from Tuesday. There has been great uncertainty among service station operators in recent weeks because only “system-relevant” vehicles were allowed to wash. Starting April 14, all vehicles can be washed again.
2:40 p.m .: Playback number drops. The effective number of reproductive coronaviruses in Austria is decreasing. Based on calculations by the Food Safety and Health Agency (AGES) and the Graz University of Technology the estimated daily rate of increase as of April 6 is in the negative double-digit range. Development in the previous 13 epidemic days was taken into account.
Crown reproduction number in the negative two-digit range
2.30 pm: Future plan for kindergartens. Styria Neos demand that politicians focus more attention on kindergartens. Club president Niko Swatek presents a three-point plan for the future: 1. Kindergarten had to be made safer for primary educators through increased protection measures. 2. Working parents would need to be supported and a smooth pick up and pick up process would be ensured. 3. In the next three years, the second year of kindergarten should be free.
2:00 p.m .: 18,000 protective masks for doctors. Doctors in private practice in Styria receive the stretch of protective mask provided by the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK) around 18,000 FFP2 units.
1.45 p.m .: Delivery service for 600 Styria. Meanwhile, the Styrian Red Cross has put 14 of its 20 Team Austria boards into operation, either as a distribution point or as a delivery service. About 600 Styria can be reached on the free delivery service, the regional association announced. It is mainly on Clients of the risk group (elderly, chronically ill) delivered. There are open delivery points in Knittelfeld, Bad Gleichenberg, Hartberg, Murau, Oberwölz, Bad Radkersburg and St. Margarethen an der Raab. About the team that Austria already has 110 volunteers reported, according to the Styrian Red Cross.
1.30 p.m .: from now on, new rules also in Styria. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) has the expected regulation on the extension of Friday night Exit restrictions published until the end of April. It also contains a Mask requirement regulated for the use of public transport starting next Tuesday. Also Funeral should also in the future Wedding it only takes place in the closest family circle.
1:27 p.m .: The numbers give reason for optimism. The number in Austria active in people with Covid-19 (positive cases minus the number of recovered) continued to decrease until Good Friday (from 10:30 a.m.). After 13,404 positive results so far, 6,064 people recovered and 319 died, the Interior and Health Ministry said in a press release. Active cases decreased in a 24-hour comparison by 7.4 percent to 7,021.
1:27 p.m .: New coupon platform. It’s been beating since Friday morning: the “Heart to Graz“: This is the name of the new Internet coupon platform, which should connect business owners, owners and hoteliers with their respective customers.
Read more about this here.
1:22 p.m.: Three times more chimney sweep emergency missions. After Easter, the April 14th, Styrian chimney sweeps carry out the necessary safety-related checks and cleaning again. Recently there has been a sharp increase in emergency services.
1:17 p.m .: St. Bartholomä facial protection. The company Payer Medical based at St. Bartholomä will start next week in cooperation with the Graz University of Technology Series production for masks for people in systemically relevant professions across Austria. Here is the story.
1:11 p.m .: Queues for Easter ham. The Good Friday crowd was smaller than in previous years, but the business was good. And you have to queue in front of the butchers. Here you can read where and how much happened on Friday.
13:05: The Easter fire was lit despite the ban. Due to a decree from the Styria Province (to avoid crowds in the Crown era and due to the risk of forest fires), Easter fires cannot be lit this year. In Birkfeld it happened anyway on Maundy Thursday. You can read the story behind this here.
12.50 p.m .: Important note from the road maintenance service to Easter traffic.
12.45 p.m. 32 in intensive care. As of Friday morning they are in Styria 168 people with Covid disease19 in the hospital, 32 of them in the intensive care unit.
12.35pm: 1474 Covid Falls in Styria. At noon, as always, a look at the latest issues of Covid in Styria. For Good Friday, at 12 noon, 1474 positive cases of Covid19 were recorded in Germany – um 6 more cases like a Thursday night
Districts are affected:
- Bruck-Mürzzuschlag: 47 (+1)
- Deutschlandsberg: 39 (+1)
- Graz: 393 (+2)
- Graz Area: 147
- Hartberg-Fürstenfeld: 280
- Leibnitz: 167 (+1)
- Leoben: 23
- Liezen: 78
- Murau: 5
- Murtal: 31
- Southeast Styria: 47
- Voitsberg: 95 (+1)
- Weiz: 122
12.25 p.m. The garden markets are open from Tuesday. Since March 16, many DIY warehouses with garden centers were closed as a result of the Corona crisis, or were only temporarily allowed in the stationary area very limited range Offer important products like food, pet food or heating materials. Since Tuesday Now more than 500 DIY warehouses and stores open across the country. However, the restrictions imposed by the government also apply here: 1 client per 20 square meters, protective mask obligation, keep your distance.
12.10 p.m .: Much at the border. Due to the corona virus, there are Southeast Styrian limits to Slovenian controls – The small border crossings are closed, the one at Mureck is closed at night.
At border crossings still open, they are currently recorded – up to 1500 a day. Exciting: some still want to go shopping in Austria.
12:00 p.m.: Deliver 1,200 eggs to Caritas. Green state club president Sandra Krautwaschl today has the first installment of her support purchase at the “DecagramDelivered to Caritas: 1,200 organic free-range eggs were delivered, which he bought at the vulnerable store in Graz.
“He The demand for food in social institutions has exploded.“He informs:” More and more people have very little money for their food, many people who previously lived in precarious situations can no longer pay for food and other essential goods in the crisis. “

11:54: How is the gastronomy of southern Styria? Restaurateurs Gerhard Kuess from Stainzerhof, Niklas Stopper from Römerhof and award-winning chef Alexander Posch from Vinea show the location of local Corona-based gastronomy.
11:40: Probably 28,500 infected. Today, the result of the corona sample was presented in 2000 Austrian households. As a result, it is assumed that 0.3 percent of the population in Austria has been / was infected with the coronavirus.
11.30 a.m.: Trade question and answer. Starting Tuesday, April 14, numerous stores can reopen. But there are clear rules for this. Read here who can open and what to watch for customers.
11.25 a.m.: AT&S supplies circuit boards for fans. The Upper Styrian AT&S Technology Group supplies components for life-saving fans. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic many new collaborations with manufacturers The appropriate equipment received was announced in a broadcast on Friday. These included companies in India or the United States.
11.15 am: Very busy, but without a large influx in farmers markets. Colleague Bernd Hecke is on Good Friday in Styria. Farmers markets traditionally on the busiest days count every year, on the go to have courage and voices.
A first provisional balance of direct sellers at 11 a.m. of Kaiser Josef Market: Many things are happening, but the rush is not as great as the good Fridays of previous years. “The set was better distributed during Easter, the measures and appeals worked“An expert says. In addition, many people deliberately avoid accumulation and more and more people buy in smaller doses this year.” In principle, we are grateful for each day we were allowed to stay open, “the direct seller said the week before. Markets were close to closing.
11.05 am: The most pleasant side of the crisis: Whether private or organized, many people cared for loved ones on the day of the first crown restrictions. It’s time for an interim evaluation of neighborhood aid in times of crisis.
10.50 a.m .: rush to finance the home office. In a few days, the Styrian Economic Promotion Agency received 350 requests to create a total of 1,400 telecommuting jobs. >> Click here for details on financing telework <<
10.35 a.m.: Corona puts patients, family and employees in hospice-Installations that face great challenges. However, video telephony is an intensive attempt to maintain contact between patients and their families. Click here to see the moving story “We are not going to disappoint people with terminal illnesses”
10:22 am: 3,000 euros for the purchase of high quality medical protective masks. Marienambulanz is more than satisfied with the donation of Hypo Styria. “Until recently, we only had simple surgical masks and some higher protection class masks, but far from being sufficient for all employees,” reports Eva Czermak, Chief of the Marien ambulance in Graz. “High-quality protective equipment is essential for medical and nursing personnel,” says Czermak.
He Marienambulanz in Graz offers general primary and basic medical care to uninsured people in. Regular operations are maintained as much as possible even in Crown times. In addition to the hours of operation from Monday to Friday between 12 p.m. and at 2 p.m., deals like women’s consultation or psychiatric ordination are still available as usual. The dentist’s room, which opened in January, also remains open for treatments.
10.10 am: There are no Romanian nurses. Due to an emergency regulation, as mentioned above, charter flights are no longer possible for Romanian nurses. Here is the story.
9.59 am: fishing and hunting allowed? Especially in times when many people have more free time, many also remember theirs Hobbies chase, but is fishing or hunting allowed, for example, now? The most important answers can be found in this Voitsberg story.
9.55 a.m.: This list goes on every hour! With more and more hosts in the Graz area, you can now pick up food. We are looking for more places, and we keep updating our list for you!
9.45 am: Can the patient’s blood be a cure? Antibodies derived from the blood of recovered persons give hope for Covid-19 therapy. It explains how this works and how great the hope really is. Infection specialist Bernhard Haas in the current podcast
9.25 a.m.: He Men’s council It has seen an increase in applications since the start of the Corona crisis. “We note that there are currently more men reporting that they are in a crisis situation, but before something happens,” he says. Valuable advice is also given for people who don’t know what to do. Suicide prevention agency..
Read a report from southeast Styria.
9.01 a.m.: The planned transport is due to a new emergency regulation in Romania Romanian nurses with chater flights to Austria Initially it is no longer possible. “In these difficult times, we need medical and social professionals mainly in Romania,” quoted the news magazine “Profil,” a statement from the Romanian ambassador. Therefore, scheduled flights to Lower Austria and Burgenland for the next few days had to be postponed indefinitely. As reported, planning for possible air transport was also underway in Styria, an appointment was not yet available here.
8.49 am: innkeepers in the Leoben region have different opinions on what the “contactless food delivery” Concerns: Some are happy with the possibility, for others “it’s not an option.”
Johanna Birnbaum and Isabella Jeitler’s story can be found here.
8.28 am: excitement around a cemetery in southern Styria. In St. Veit, a note attached to the cemetery wall caused displeasure People over 60 are not allowed to enter the site.. The cemetery administrator removed it in the meantime. Here is the whole story.
8:20 a.m.: Corona bankruptcy in Graz. The “Café Corner” on Grazer Triesterstrasse has been closed since mid-March due to the crown crisis. Now the operator had to declare bankruptcy. The sports club is no longer open. More about this in the Thomas Wieser story.
8:08 a.m.: shopping day. Good Friday is one of the food retailers, and especially at the farmers markets. Shopping days with the highest frequency of customers one year
Protective masks have been mandatory in supermarkets since Monday, and protective masks are already being distributed in many farmers markets (although they are not mandatory there yet), because today in particular a large crowd was expected in the markets of Farmers in Graz (or feared by health experts), the city of Graz together with introduced a series of measures to direct sellers so that it is still possible to keep their distance.
07:59: President of Farmers speaks plain text. President of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture Josef Moosbrugger. In the little newspaper interview, he talks about his anger. flown in harvest helpers, discount campaigns in the crown crisis, Transport of animals despite the closing of borders and why farmers their Better control production quantities must
07.42 am: No data from Styria. At the request of the APA in the 9 federal states of Austria on the subject “How many 19 cases of Covid are there in the nursing homes of Austria”, the following is revealed: In 8 federal states there have been 569 crown cases in homes of elderly. But Styria was the only federal state that did not collect data: Until now, only district doctors knew about cases that would be eliminated Data protection reasons not broadcast Tuesday, however, there was a decision in a special state session, which can now be used to build a database that incorporates the figures. The investigation into the Kleine Zeitung showed on Wednesday that it was in There are 18 Crown cases in more than 200 Styria nursing homes.
07.37 am: Formula 1 at Spielberg or not: The first motorsports class could stop at the Red Bull Ring on July 5. The decision of possibly two ghost races but it should drop in the short term. In any case, there is great hope in the region that Formula 1 will be invited again this year.
7.30 am: Automatically ascend? In Styria, school partners can do little with the SPÖ demand that each student will automatically level up this year you should be able to. Read more about this here.
7:00 a.m .: waiting lists in hairdressing salons. Meanwhile, a long delay has been found in the Styrian Hairdressers formed that only with Unlock May 2 May WhatsApp, email and messaging have exploded for me, “says Graz Figaro star Dieter Ferschinger, about the time shortly after the announcement of the reopening.
You can read more about the hair line in Katrin Schwarz’s story.
The most important messages from the previous day.
9:00 pm. A look at the new infections reported daily shows: Thursday there was in Styria 36 new confirmed cases reported, the same number had been on Wednesday. Information points of the Ministry of Health from 9:00 p.m. 1468 victims for Styria 367 people are considered to have recovered.
The division by districts:
- In addition to Bruck-Mürz: 46 (-)
- Deutschlandsberg: 38 (+1)
- Graz: 391 (+10)
- Graz Area: 147 (+1)
- Hartberg-Fürstenfeld: 280 (+6)
- Leibnitz: 166 (+3)
- Leoben: 23 (-)
- Liezen: 78 (+2)
- Murau: 5 (-)
- Mur Valley: 31 (-)
- Southeast Styria: 47 (+1)
- Voitsberg: 94 (+5)
- Wheat: 122 (+7)
7.45 p.m .: With 71 deaths, Styria remains sad across the country. Therefore, the country does not want to be stigmatized, the state government takes measures before high number of infected people in nursing homes through. A database is created. 300 organized emergency beds for infected older people. The average age of those who died from the coronavirus in Styria was the latest. 81 years.
7.15 p.m .: The Governor asked in an interview with ORF Styria Hermann Schützenhöfer Styrians to stay home at Easter and refrain from large family celebrations. By editor in chief Wolfgang Schaller asked if the current crisis is also rethinking the planned one Health reform in Styria, Schützenhöfer said: “We stick to what we feel is right.” Now it’s about people’s health, then it’s about the economy.
18:34: The Styrian State Medical Directorate reports two other Covid-19 related deaths. Two men (born in 1932 and 1934) from the Graz area. So in our state 71 deaths counted
4.40 p.m .: One difficulties fund endowed with 30 million euros The federal government today announced the possibility of families in crisis. Family member Juliane Bogner-Strauß and social counselor Doris Kampus Welcome this step. A joint press release said: “The difficult situation surrounding the corona virus also has far-reaching effects on families. This makes the fast, non-bureaucratic financial support presented by the Federal Government even more important. Its goal is to help to consolidate the economic and social situation of the family. ” “
3.10 p.m .: The EM of the professions should have taken place in Graz in September. New date: January 6 to 10 at the Graz Congress. In the past, an international event of this format was not possible due to the current crown crisis and those still awaiting until autumn European travel restrictions. Unfortunately, the organizers say in a message that they cannot be done. “As difficult as this step is for us, it is sensible and there is no alternative,” explains EuroSkills 2020 President of the Supervisory Board. Josef Herk. “We thank all partners, supporters and sponsors for supporting this step. And I am sure that with this first European Professional Championship in Austria, we will have a good start, in fact sensational, for a good year in 2021. “