21-year persecution with the police in Salzburg


Numerous speeders withdrawn from circulation

Police, control, traffic, police control, SB


A 21-year-old man escaped from a police checkpoint with a sports car. (PICTURE SYMBOL)

On Saturday night, a 21-year-old German is chased in a sports car with the Salzburg police. The man wanted to escape a traffic control at Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse in the city of Salzburg. He drove the car into the opposite lane and accelerated at high speed, Salzburg police said.

Although the police were chasing him, the 21-year-old continued to drive and also resisted an attempt to stop at the Salzburg airport and ran away again. When the police finally stopped him, it became clear why he was walking away from the checkpoints. The German does not have a driver’s license. He was forbidden to continue his journey and is denounced for numerous crimes.

High speed machine stopped in the city of Salzburg

During the main controls on Saturday, the police were able to stop several speed drivers. A 24-year-old from Hamburg was driving at 130 km / h instead of the 70 km / h allowed on the Alpenstraße. A 27-year-old from Salzburg was even traveling at 148 km / h and a 28-year-old Romanian at 151 km / h. A 22-year-old from Upper Austria was twice as fast as allowed on Sterneckstrasse and a 23-year-old from Salzburg on Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse. All of them are also shown and have to face a procedure of withdrawal of the driving license.

102 km h Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse .jpg

Salzburg police

A 23-year-old was driving 102 km / h on the Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse.

Two unlicensed drivers in Hallein

In Hallein, a 19-year-old Turk and a 28-year-old Hallein were captured without a license. Police stopped a 72-year-old moped driver with a high alcohol level and no driver’s license from traffic.

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Salzburg police

Police found an unapproved sports air filter in a Tennengauer’s car.

Vehicle tuning arrested

Police officers also searched the 29-year-old driver of a Tennengau car who had installed unapproved tires and installed an unapproved sports air filter. Hallein, 55, had also installed unapproved lights on his motorcycle, police report. Reports were made.


Salzburg police

A Halle resident had installed unapproved lights on his motorcycle.

(Source: APA / SALZBURG24)

Retrieved on September 5, 2020 at 9:37 am at https://www.salzburg24.at/news/salzburg/stadt/21-jaehriger-liefert-sich-verfolungsjagd-mit-polizei-in-salzburg-92425789
