Australia’s Victoria extends coronavirus ‘hard lockdown’: live | News

  • On Sunday, Australia’s coronavirus hot spot state Victoria extended a severe lockdown in its capital Melbourne for two weeks at the end of September as infection rates fell more slowly than expected.
  • Protesters gathered in the Italian capital, Rome, to use masks to spread the coronavirus. The country’s health ministry reported an increase in COVID-19, with 16 new casualties. Is at 35,534. At least A further 1,700 cases have also been reported, with a total of 276,338 infections.
  • Mexico’s health ministry recorded an additional 122,765 people above expectations during the epidemic as of August Gust, in a report on higher mortality, indicating that the number of true coronaviruses in Mexico could be much higher. Is in the country A total of 67,326 deaths have been confirmed, according to the news agency.

  • More than 26.74 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with coronavirus, and more than 877,400 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 17.8 million people have recovered.

Here are the latest updates:

Sunday, September 6

05:05 GMT – Australia Australia’s COVID-19 hub extends hard lockdown

The Australian coronavirus hot spot state Victoria on Sunday extended a two-week hard lockdown in its capital Melbourne, as infection rates fell more slowly than expected, according to Reuters news agency.

On Sunday, State Premier Daniel Rendrews extended the tight lockdown from August 2 to September 28 with a slight respite and gradually eased the ban in the following two months.

Melbourne’s Stage 4 sanctions, which were due to expire on September 13, shut down most of the economy, restricting people’s activities to 5-kilometers (3-miles) around their homes and imposed a night-time curfew.

“We can’t open at this time. If we had, we would have lost control very quickly,” Andrews said in a televised media conference.

Victoria, the second most populous state in Australia, is the epicenter of the second wave of the novel coronavirus, which now accounts for about 75 per cent of the country’s 26,282 cases and 90 per cent of its 753 deaths.

The state on Sunday recorded 63,63 new COVD-11 infections and five deaths, down from the peak of 2,525 new cases in New Gust.

04:32 GMT – Jakarta ‘runs out of cemetery’ over COVID-19 epidemic

A cemetery in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, is expected to emerge from space as the number of deaths linked to the cornea virus increases.

Nadine, manager of Pondok Ranggan Cemetery in East Jakarta, was quoted by Indonesia’s Compass as saying they expected the burial site to be vacated by October, with only 1,000 spots left.

In August Gust, the cemetery reported that 27 people were buried every day – including those who died from the coronavirus.

Pondok Ranggan was designated as the COVID-19 burial site in March, and more than 2,600 casualties have since been buried there.

More than 190,000 cases have been officially reported in Indonesia, with 8,000 deaths.

04:02 GMT – U.S. On the occasion of Labor Day, the officials called for caution

Officials across the United States are urging Americans to exercise caution when celebrating the extended Labor Day holiday to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

In New Mexico, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham said the state when ““While much progress has been made in the fight against the spread of COVID-19, the holiday week starting Saturday is key to keeping the spread of the virus low and ensuring students can return to school safely this year.

In California, San Diego State University officials ordered a stay-at-home order on Labor Day weekend for students living on campus to limit the spread of the disease as they returned to the school year.

U.S. There are approximately .2.5 million coronavirus cases, of which more than 2 … million have been recovered. U.S. The disease has killed more than 18,000 people in India – the deadliest worldwide.

03:42 GMT – Coronavirus cases confirmed in Germany increased by 988 to 249,985

Center of Germany for Infectious diseases reported at least on Sunday 988 new coronavirus cases, bringing a total of 249,985 infections.

The Robert Koch Institute also reported a fatal incident after an epidemic broke out in the country in late January.

03:05 GMT – South Korea’s new COVID-19 case stays below 200 on the fourth day

Seoul, South Korea

According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 124 local cases in the new infection report, most of them from the larger Seoul area. [Lee Jin-man/AP]

South Korea reported 167 cases of coronavirus on Sunday, the fourth day of 200 new infections, the Yonhap news agency reported.

Of the total new infections, 152 were local cases and most of them came from the large Seoul area, according to data from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).

The country’s total cases have now risen to 21,177, although more than 16,000 have fully recovered. The death toll was raised to 4 by adding one more death. The country’s virus mortality rate is now 1. Is 1.58 percent.

02:30 GMT – 10 new Covid-19 cases reported in mainland China, no new deaths

China’s National Health Commission reported at least 10 new COVID-19 cases by the end of Saturday.

The health agency said all new cases had been imported, which would mark the 21st day in a row with a locally infected infection, according to the Reuters news agency.

The number of new asymptomatic cases has risen from eight a day earlier to 17. China does not treat asymptomatic infections as confirmed cases.

The total confirmed COVID-19 cases for mainland China now stand at 85,122, while the death toll remains unchanged at 4,634.

01:49 GMT – Former Italian PM Berlusconi recovers from coronavirus

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s personal doctor has expressed “cautious but reasonable optimism” about the politician’s recovery from the coronavirus.

The 83-year-old Berlusconi has been hospitalized in Milan after a positive test this week.

Dr Alberto Zangrillo said in a written statement on Saturday that Berlusconi’s clinical condition was stable.

Zangrillo said Friday that several hours after Berlusconi was admitted to San Rafael Hospital, that his patient had an early-stage lung infection and was breathing on his own.

01:30 GMT – 122,765 additional deaths reported in Mexico during epidemiological-health ministry

Mexico’s health ministry said 122,765 people had died more than expected during the epidemic as of August.

The Reuters news agency reports that Mexico’s true coronavirus figure may be higher in the report on higher mortality.

The death toll from the coronavirus in Mexico has been confirmed at 67,66 deaths, including 5,475 news stories on Saturday. It also reported 6,319 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total infection to at least 629,400.

00:15 GMT – 30,168 coronavirus cases, 682 deaths reported in Brazil

Brazil’s health ministry has reported 30,168 additional confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in the past 24 hours, bringing the country’s total to at least 4.1 million infections.

The country also recorded 2,688 additional casualties, bringing the death toll to 166.33.

Brazil has the second highest number of cases and infections in the world after the United States.

00:05 GMT – Italy sees a resurgence in coronavirus deaths

No mask rally

With nearly 1,700 more cases on Saturday, Italy has confirmed a total of 276,338 infections [Remo Casilli/Reuters]

Protesters gathered in the Italian capital, Rome, to protest the use of masks to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

The number of daily coronavirus deaths in Italy is on the rise, with 16 reported on Saturday by the Italian Ministry of Health.

The death toll is five more than the previous day. However, according to an analysis by the AP News Agency, this number is dramatically lower than in the first weeks of the epidemic in the nation, when hundreds of people were dying daily.

With nearly 1,700 more cases on Saturday, Italy has confirmed a total of 276,338 infections. Recent cases have been linked to most popular holiday locales, especially those on holiday on the island of Sardinia.

The death toll in Italy is 35,534.


Hello and welcome to Al Jazeera’s ongoing coverage of the coronavirus epidemic. I am Ted Regency in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

For the main development of yesterday 5th September, go here.
