Australian fishermen bring home a 5-foot crocodile after capturing it in a dam

Talk about an unpleasant household.

He is being investigated after an Australian fisherman reportedly went home with a crocodile last week.

The fisherman found a space of about 5 feet 6 inches [1.7-meter] The saltwater crocodile at the Peter Fost Dam in Proserpin, Australia, on Saturday, the Queensland Department of Environment and Science (DES) said on Tuesday.

According to the department, the man was allegedly fishing from a boat on the dam when he thought he had seen a crocodile eye.

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He brought his boat close to the eye and confirmed it was a crocodile, the DESA said.

After that, he “caught and controlled” the crocodile and brought it home with him.

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But the fisherman’s household did not last long.

According to the DES, the fisherman later called the department and asked wildlife officials to retrieve the crocodile. They did and took the croc to a zoo.

According to Nine News, Crocodile now owns a 175-acre Australian wildlife farm called Bread’s Wild Farm.

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“DES wants people to know that they should not harass or interfere with crocodiles, and that they run the risk of serious injuries if they come in contact with, disturb or interfere with an Asturian crocodile of any size,” the department said in a press release. Said.

Officials say an Australian-Australian fisherman recently brought home a foot-long crocodile (not pictured), before he called wildlife officials from his home.  (iStock)

Officials say an Australian-Australian fisherman recently brought home a foot-long crocodile (not pictured), before he called wildlife officials from his home called Reptile Ka. (iStock)

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The department also warned that a crocodile as large as an inch could “seriously injure a person, especially when he is in danger.”

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The DESA said it was also illegal to “knowingly interfere, harm or kill” a saltwater crocodile. The maximum fine is up to યુ 30,026 AUD, which is about, 21,429.

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