Assassin’s Creed Walhalla gains new capabilities but only if you disconnect your console from the Internet

Assassin's Creed jumps from building to building in Valhalla

Screenshots: Ubisoft / Kotaku

A few weeks ago, Assassin Creed Valhalla Players discover new abilities in the game’s expanded skill tree. Then, those abilities disappeared.

Follows ValhallaNo. Mid-December update, Which blocked Uletide Festival event, Each skillful tree in the game (Bear, Raven, Wolf) appeared extending through two nodes. The first one on each tree was the carbon key of the “Let Destiny Get Your Way” node that allows you to allocate your skill points to the game; The second was real ability. The Bear Tree got Fight Ready skills, giving you a full adrenaline slot at the start of each fight. The Wolf Tree Arrow can unlock the looter, increasing your chances of looting arrows from archers. Raven Tree got Assassin’s Creed, an ability to automatically pick up deadbody after killing players. These three new lines branched straight from the middle ValhallaThere is a tree of skills, so you don’t have to pour dozens of points into each branch to clear paths and unlock them.

The catch is that these three abilities are not always visible ValhallaNo skill tree.

None of the three capabilities are mentioned Patch notes For December update. Some players Before he disappeared during subsequent game sessions, he was soon spotted. Today, at least on the Xbox Series X, I can still see the branch of “fate” knots, ineffective, out in the middle ValhallaSkilled tree, while three new abilities are wrongSing.

I can get them to show up again by disconnecting my console from the internet and rebooting my game, at which point I am greeted by a notification that the Yule Festival is over. Connecting my console to the internet refines them again. Some players Say They then lost any skill points allotted. The mine, for what it is worth, was returned. When I go back online, the refunded skill points are automatically applied to any new abilities I have unlocked.

By default, if your console is connected to the Internet, you can’t access these capabilities. If it is disconnected, you can.

Skill Node Assassin Creed Valhalla

When connected to the Internet, you will see a defunct skills node.
Screenshots: Ubisoft / Kotaku

When asked about the issue, Ubisoft acknowledged that some players could use the skill but said they were “not ready for release yet” and recommended that players play the game online, if possible, without any issues with gameplay. To prevent. “

Truth be told, you won’t lose much. Any abilities aren’t terribly game-changing (although Assassin’s Creed is admittedly a pretty quality-life-upgrade). But they suggest big things in the store ValhallaThere is already a Byzantine web of expertise. Why insert a “destiny” node for only one capacity? Why do these new abilities pop up after the vague end of the Uletide Festival?

The Ulitide Festival wraps up in January. Ubisoft has not announced specific release dates ValhallaTwo announced extensions, The Wrath of the Druids And Siege of Paris, Or even details about any new capabilities that can be added to the game with that campaign.

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