Ashen Winds is out now, adding new enemies, loot, and achievements.

The Ashen Winds update for Sea of ​​Thieves is now available, after a week of delay. Add a full load of new ash-themed content, including new enemies, loot, and four Ashen Winds achievements.
Captain Flameheart is still fighting for supremacy in the Sea of ​​Thieves, with four new Ashen Lords to help. Old Horatio, Warden Chi, Captain Grimm, and Red Ruth need to be found and defeated, doing it five times will complete the Ashen Winds Achievement List, and it looks like more Ashen Lords will be added as Rare says “The Order of Souls have guessed the names of four ashen lords … until now. ” Ashen Lords can be seen by tornadoes, and each has new abilities, such as Fire Breath, Ash Cloud, and Devil’s Roar. The Order of Souls will pay you to remove these Ashen Lords and deliver their skulls to them. Additional treasure can also be found, as defeating Ashen Lords causes the geysers to erupt “unearthing the treasure for all who defied the encounter, in addition to Ashen Winds Skull.”

This skull is another new addition. It can be used as a flamethrower weapon or sold to the Order of Souls. However, the more you use it as a weapon, the more the Ashen Jewel within it weakens and the more its value decreases, so if you want to earn more by selling it, it is best to sell it from the beginning. Ashen Winds also presents new accolades with new titles, Ashen Winds Skull Sail and new Ashen tattoos. There will also be a Skull Sweep Ashen Winds event every Wednesday, which will offer more reputation and gold.

Sea of ​​Thieves Ashen Winds

While the Ashen Winds upgrade lasts, all Rare Heritage Collection packages and pieces are available at a discount. Rare also offers a free “Heel Click” emote on the Pirate Emporium. New paid additions include Ashen Curse Collector’s Pets, Kraken Cat Outfits, Six Emote Storytelling Bundle, Character Emotes Bundle and more.

Lastly, there are new accessibility options such as a single stick control, auto center camera, auto float accessibility, an accessibility settings reset option, improvements to “Let Games Read to Me” with additions and improvements to the storytelling, a speech for text-writing and new default settings for new players.

Ashen Winds is out now.