As many as 87 million workers could lose paid leave without the Covid-19 package

Politico reported on Sunday that millions of workers could lose access to salaried illness and family leave if Congress does not pass another coronavirus relief package by the end of the year.

According to the National Partnership for Women and Families, the benefits that legislators approved earlier this year could strip as many as 87 million workers. In the case of the new virus, the U.S. Many workers may already be in trouble during the winter months due to having no blankets.

The Families First Act, passed by Congress in March, included a provision that required employers to provide their employees with medical care or two weeks’ sick pay. That includes 12 weeks of medical and family leave for two-thirds of their current salary.

Experts had earlier called the market insider a measure covering almost half of the U.S. workforce. But it ends on December 31, and Democrats are vowing to extend it to next year.

Senate Health, Education’s ranking Democrat and Washington Washington’s Sen. “The expiration of this policy will put millions of workers at risk of making an impossible choice between their health and their pay and undermining our recovery efforts,” Patti Murray said. The Labor and Pensions Committee told Politico.

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The benefit is set to end, along with several other federal protections to be terminated, including deferment on student loan payments and unemployment benefits for nearly 12 million unemployed Americans. Amid a surge in cases of the virus as federal provisions expire, many Americans could add to the woes this winter.

The country’s leading infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci warned on Sunday that millions of Americans have warned of a second spike of infection after traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday.

“We can see a surge,” Fawcett told ABC News. “We don’t want to scare people, but that’s just the reality.”

Congress has not approved a second coronavirus relief package since the spring, and many economists are pushing legislators to pass another one and cover the economic losses caused by the epidemic.

He says it also threatens to slow down or slow down. Of the 22 million jobs lost in March and April, only half have been regained.

Unemployment claims have risen for the second week in a row, the Labor Department said Thursday. More than 20 million Americans are still benefiting from nearly nine months of unemployment in the epidemic.