Artists have earned more than $ 20 million from Bandcamp sales since March

On March 20, in response to the crippling financial realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bandcamp gave up his 24-hour shared income to “put much-needed money directly into artists’ pockets.” In May, the site did it again and continued with Bandcamp Days on June 5 and July 3.

Bandcamp has now revealed that the four Fridays resulted in more than $ 20 million going directly to artists. The site has also announced that monthly Bandcamp Fridays will run through the end of the year: On August 7, September 4, October 2, November 6 and December 4, 100% of Bandcamp will direct their share of the revenue from shopping directly to artists. . Find more details at

“We started Bandcamp Fridays in March to support artists affected by the pandemic, and in recent months the music community has come together in a huge way,” Bandcamp said in a press release. “Because the pandemic is far from over, we will continue to celebrate Bandcamp Fridays on the first Friday of each month until the end of the year.” Find the full Bandcamp statement below.

On June 16, Bandcamp donated 100% of its share of sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Several record labels also gave up their share of the proceeds to support artists, as well as Black Lives Matter groups, anti-racism organizations and local bail funds.

Read “This is how much more money Bandcamp artists earn compared to streaming services” at Pitch.
