Arizona Gov. Ducey releases guidelines for ‘break companies’ to reopen

On Monday, August 10, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey issued guidelines for “pause companies” follow to start over during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In recent months, gyms, bars, cinemas and water parks have been among the companies that were forced to close their doors, were allowed to reopen, shook again on July 23rd.

Ducey’s orders to close some of these companies to help divert the spread jumped out of lawsuits sports school en beams owners.

The CEO of Mountainside Fitness took up his concerns in court about forcing him to close his fitness clubs and a Maricopa County judge managed gyms had to be given guidance on reopening.

On August 10, the Ducey office published guidelines for gyms, theaters, water parks, tubes, bars and nightclubs to reopen as they follow guidelines with a red, yellow and green benchmark system.

The guidelines will be determined on a province-by-province basis.

Gyms can reload with 25% capacity if the spread is considered “minimal.” They can reopen for full capacity if the percentage is positive at 3% in the province.

Bars and nightclubs can reopen at 50% capacity if the percentage is positive at 3%. There is no date of when they can open at full capacity.

There are, too Sanitation guidelines that must be followed.

If they can reopen, companies will do that must fill out an “attestation” form, saying that they will comply with the set guidelines. Companies are warned that they may be shut down immediately if they do not follow guidelines.

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