Unusual flashes of gamma rays make it clear that the giant appears Black holes A new study has found that there are really huge wormholes.
Wormholes There are space-time tunnels that could theoretically travel to space and time or anywhere else in the universe. Einstein’s The principle of general relativity Indicating that worm knives are possible, however, is another matter as to whether they actually exist.
In many ways, wormholes look like black holes. Both types of extremely objects are very ga ense and keep their gravitational attractions wonderfully strong for the body. The main difference is that no object object can theoretically return after crossing a black hole event horizon – a threshold where the speed required to escape the black hole’s gravitational pull exceeds the speed of light – while any body entering a wormhole could theoretically go the opposite way. Is.
Video: The last 500 years around the galaxy’s supermassive black hole
Assuming that worms could exist, the researchers looked at ways to separate wormholes from black holes. They focused on the sun’s supermassive black holes of millions to billions of people, believed to live in the hearts of most people, if not all, of the galaxies. For example, in the middle of our galaxy Sagittarius Sagittarius A *, A monster black hole that is about 4.5 million solar births in size.
Anything that entered the wormhole’s mouth would come out of its other mouth. Scientists have argued that this means that an object entering one mouth of a wormhole probably enters the other mouth of a wormhole at the same time, a phenomenon that would never happen with a black hole.
Anything that falls into the mouth of a supermassive wormhole will travel at extraordinarily high speeds due to its powerful gravitational fields. Scientists modeled the results of substances flowing from both mouths of the wormhole where these mouths meet, the “throat” of the wormhole. The result of such collisions is a plasma sphere that expands into almost both ends of the wormhole. The speed of lightSaid the researchers.
“The most surprising thing to me is that no one has done this consideration before, because it’s so simple,” Mikhail Pitorovich, lead author of the astrophysicist at the Central Astronomical Observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia, told Space.com.
Researchers have made extraordinary comparisons of such wormholes with those of a type of supermassive black hole known as one. Active galaxy nucleus (AGN), which can emit more radiation than our galaxies, as they eat away the objects around them, and they do so from a patch of space larger than our solar system. AGNs are usually surrounded by plasma rings known as action discs and powerful jets of radiation can be emitted from their poles.
Plasma spheres from wormholes can reach temperatures of about 18 trillion degrees Fahrenheit (10 trillion degrees Celsius). At such heat, the plasma will produce gamma rays with radiation of 68 million electronvolts.
In contrast, “AGN’s action discs do not emit gamma radiation because its temperature is too low for it,” Piotrovich said. Furthermore, although AGN’s jets can emit gamma rays, these will largely travel in the same direction as the jets – traveling in any area indicates that they come from a worm, he noted.
In addition, if AGN lived in a type of galaxy known as Type 1 Cefert – in which a hot gas was rapidly expanding – previous work suggests that it would not produce many gamma rays with a gies radiation of 68 million electronvolts. The researchers said that if astronomers observed an AGN in the Type I Cefert galaxy with a significant peak of such rays, it would mean that the AGN was actually a wormhole, the researchers said.
Scientists in detail Their findings Augline 21 August. In a study approved for publication in the journal monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
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