Apple’s At It Again, This Time With WordPress

Apple blocked updates to the WordPress blogging app until it added in-app payments for plan upgrades, allowing Apple to get a 30 percent cut.

“Get why WordPress is absent for iOS updates”, Matt Mullenweg of WordPress tweeted. ‘We were locked up [the Apple] App Store. In order to be able to send updates and bug fixes, we had to support ourselves[ing] in-app purchases for .com plans. “

Yes, it’s been so crazy: in the past, Apple just allowed free and paid services to not advertise the paid options in their apps. But now Apple is going for services that have paid options and that is it require them to offer those options with in-app payments (IAPs) so that Apple can file a 30 percent fee each time.

Apple fans will at least appreciate Mullenweg’s stance: He says he “strongly believes in the sanctity of licenses” and that WordPress “agreed to this license when we signed up for (and stayed in) the App Store,” so he goes to “Follow and follow the rules” and do “what they [Apple] asked us that. ”

However, he also says that there are many apps in the iOS App Store that do not advertise their paid options or offer a way to pay for them within the app. And he assumes that Apple will go to them as soon as possible. “My assumption is that they will receive similar feedback soon, so I encourage them to make IAP plans,” he writes.

The dictator appreciates your support, Matt. Good boy.

Access with App Store, WordPress