Apple Play Wistron put on probation after exploited workers demolish building in India

For the second time in two months, Apple is putting on notice one of the companies hired to make the Paul iPhone to violate labor laws. Reuters, Bloomberg And others say Apple Play has placed Taiwanese manufacturer Wistron on “probation” – meaning it will not get a new business from Apple Pay unless it does something – was found exploiting supplier workers at a plant in India.

What we are hearing about this is unbelievable: On December 12, about 2,000 workers decided to protest against unpaid wages by wreaking havoc in the lobby by overturning whistle office fees and overturning vehicles. There is a video:

It now turns out that the workers’ complaints were legitimate: Wistron admits so much, and the local government saw serious labor violations in its preliminary investigation, according to South China Morning Post And Reuters. They say Wistron was actually paying wages and forcing some people to work overtime. And that’s just Wistron. This SCMP Police are also investigating middlemen who are targeting Apple’s contract workers:

Intermediaries have also been accused of exploiting contract workers and losing their wages, police said, looking for the role of six contractors who acted as Wistron’s go-between. They lured workers by promising additional allowances if they broke down.

The investigation also said that 8,500 of the Wistron factory’s 10,500 workers were contractors rather than full-time workers and that the plant would have been started with only 5,000 workers. (Wistron started assembling iPhones back in India in 2017.)

Wistron ApologiesSaying, “Increase its processes and restructure our teams to ensure these processes do not happen again,” he added that it already has a “24-hour grievance hotline” and an “employee support program.” The company says it has also set up its VP business in India.

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The question now is whether Apple will do anything to stop its suppliers from exploiting workers as they are still making headlines again. The company has a long history of being involved in labor violations, and as a recent report suggests, Apple is turning a blind eye to them despite the problem. Did Apple know about this?