Apple is making Pal Shazam a big part of your iPhone

Apple Play bought the music recognition app Shazam in 2018, and is now integrating it into iOS in another big way – a new music recognition feature that can recognize songs playing around you as well as apps on your phone. And it works even when you’re listening to music on your headphones.

The new feature is available as a toggle in the Control Center, but does not require one Developer A beta of iOS 14.2 if you want to try it now. It will look like a little shazam icon, and you need to tap it to start listening to your iPhone.

Image: Apple

You could already use Siri to call Shazam and identify the songs that are playing around you, but being able to identify the music in your apps can also come in handy – if so, you’re wondering if the creator was paying for their tickets or YouTube video. Which song did you choose?

Interestingly, since June 2019, Android users have been able to use Shazam to identify music played through headphones. It is not clear why the feature took more than a year to arrive on iOS.

We’re not sure when the final iOS 14.2 will come with this feature – iOS 14 will be released the next day – or if it could slip into further release. But iPhones are ready to launch new iPhones sometime in October, maybe we’ll see a release after that.