Apple is happy to wear Pal New Emoji Face Mask

Doesn't this face look familiar?

Doesn’t this face look familiar?
Photo: Emojipedia

At this stage of the coronavirus epidemic, we all know that face masks – which are public health officials Agreed Our most powerful weapon against the virus is – unfortunately can be controversial. U.S. Adults raised in are literal Threw Childish fit On wearing them. In recent days, Apple has stepped into a peaceful debate to try to calm the situation with a strange solution: emoji.

Spotted by EmojipediaApple Play has updated its face mask this week with the release of its iOS 14.2 beta 2, wearing an emoji called “Face with Medical Mask”. Instead of being plain yellow with sad-looking sad eyes, a face mask with emoji in the new beta will look happy. In fact, one could say that it is a game of familiar smiles.

You don’t have to be pathetic when you put on your face mask.
GIF: Emojipedia

That is because it is according to the emojipedia analysis. It’s really an emoji that we already have, “Smiling Face” emoji. Apple just put a mask on it.

Although it’s a subtle change and not yet final – this is still a beta version of iOS 14.2, after all – the new mask wearing emoji sends a powerful message. Wearing a mask should not be boring, it means you are sick or a sign of unhappiness from the current state of the world. It could mean something different.

Wearing a mask can mean that you are doing your part to protect your loved ones and your community during this global epidemic. It can also show that you are enjoying the small moments of life when you can do this. Because even though the world is being terrorized by a terrible virus, we must move forward.

I’m not saying that all philosophers like me will think when people see a new mask wearing an emoji, but it’s important to note that a change in understanding always starts with a small step.

According to Emojipedia, the original mask of Apple Paul wearing emoji has been the same for the last 12 years. Resolution Play has made only minor changes to the emoji over the years to increase its resolution. It’s not the only company that has portrayed emoji-wearing masks as sad or sick. Google, Microsoft .ft, Twitter and Facebook follow a similar approach.

The emoji has only been changed to iOS 14.2 Beta 2, so it will look sad when sent to users who are not in beta or other platforms. Do the world a favor and don’t wait for the final decision of the smile moment when you continue your mask. Wearing a mask really makes a difference right now, and you should feel good about it.

