AP journalists will exclusively use Sony cameras from now on

AP photo and video journalists will film exclusively on Sony equipment in the future.

The news comes after the agency yesterday announced a partnership that will make the Japanese giant the provider of cameras for its reporters. As part of the transition, most AP photojournalists will be outfitted with Sony a9 II units, and select ones will receive Sony A7R IV sets, according to PetaPixel.

“Sony’s history of innovation aligns well with that of AP and with our vision for the future of visual journalism,” Derl McCrudden, deputy assistant director for visual and digital journalism at AP, said in a statement.

“AP is committed to providing the best images to our member news organizations and clients around the world,” he continued. “Embracing Sony’s state-of-the-art equipment and technology allows us to do that, by allowing our photographers and video journalists to be faster and more flexible, ultimately creating better visual journalism.”

The change will not happen overnight, but the news agency says the partnership with Sony will help it streamline its long-term operation as it marks the first time that all of its reporters will be. “equipped with the same brand of cameras. “

“The new mirrorless technology in Sony cameras enables completely silent operation, which means that our photojournalists can work in environments without interrupting the scene around them,” said AP Director of Photography J. David Ake. “This is a huge leap forward in photojournalism.”

Putting stored quotes aside, the partnership appears to be a great way for AP to equip its employees with quality equipment at a discount, and for Sony to align its brand with the reputation of the news agency, which recently won an Award. Pulitzer for his feature film photography.

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Posted on July 24, 2020 – 12:59 UTC