Anti-masks forced to dig graves for COVID-19 victims in Indonesia

According to a report, local authorities in Indonesia have ordered eight people breaking the country’s face mask laws to dig graves for Kovid-19 victims.

The Jakarta Post reports that the province of East Java punished those who violated the mask with manual labor in a local cemetery, so that the order to cover the nationwide face was ignored by others.

“There are only three gravediggers at the moment, so I thought I could get these people to work with them,” politician Suyono told local media, according to the paper.

“Hopefully this could have a deterrent effect against the violation,” he added.

No violators were forced to handle the corpse, the outlet said. Only local health officials wearing full body protective equipment are allowed to do so to limit the risk of contamination.

According to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University, the infection is on the rise in Indonesia with at least 21,000 cases, including at least 111 deaths.
