Another paradox game jumps on the tabletop, blows past kickstarter goals

Illustration for another article titled Paradox Game

Image: Stellaris

Then So-so Crusader Kings Try, Another paradox strategy title-StellarisGoing on boarding in gaming After successfully completing its kickstarter funding target.

The goal for the main goal game Kickstarter has never been in question – but nonetheless, at the time of publication, about 6000 people have endorsed it / submitted a copy of about 9 940,000 in total funding.

Stellaris A video game is a comprehensive 4X affair where you try to build a vast space empire, and are responsible for everything from creating content on the planets to research, from diplomacy to deciding which guns to put on your spaceship.

Board game … looks very similar! What I especially like about it is that it’s planned together with it, which means “I’m still thinking a minute gum” deadtime is eliminated. This is also nice: each game only lasts for two hours, but as you go under the trees of research you can extend and continue your punishment with several sessions.

You can see more pictures of Minis and Art Here.
