Animal Crossing: New Horizons insects and fish coming out in July

Another month is almost over, so be sure to grab all the Animal Crossing: New Horizons critters that leave after July.

To help make sure you grab what you can before they disappear, we’ve put together a list of things to hunt down and complete the Museum.

While time travel folks don’t have much to worry about when it comes to catching this variety of mistakes, people who play every day won’t want to wait months to continue their collection.

For fish, we recommend using bait, made using the manila clams that you can dig up on the beach, to quickly spawn fish in the desired place. Just bait your desk and throw it into the water from your inventory.

We have divided the tables by hemisphere. Not too many creatures leave after July. Players in the southern hemisphere are only losing a few sea creatures, and players in the northern hemisphere say goodbye to honey bees, tadpoles, and seaweed.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons creatures leave after July (Northern Hemisphere)

Bug type Bug Location Shadow size Hour
Bug type Bug Location Shadow size Hour
Insect Bee Flying N / A 8 am – 5 pm
Fish Tadpole Pond Tiny All day
Sea creature Seaweed Ocean N / A All day

Animal Crossing: New Horizons creatures leave after July (southern hemisphere)

Bug type Bug Location Hour
Bug type Bug Location Hour
Sea creature Abalone Ocean 4 pm – 9 am
Sea creature Locust Ocean All day