Animal Crossing: New Horizons Dream Suite and Save Backup Update Now Available

TO UPDATE: Update 1.4.0 is out now, which means all of the content mentioned below is out now in-game. If the update does not download automatically, press “+” on the game icon from the Change menu and select “software update”, then “Via Internet”.

When you start the game, you will find two letters in your inbox with attachments: one from Nintendo with a wall of fireworks and the other from Luna with Luna’s Bed. This is the bed from which you can access dreams.

Happy dreaming

The original story continues.

The second summer update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be released this week, bringing with it a new festive fireworks event during August, the ability to visit other islands through dreams and some limited but welcome backing support.

Yes, Animal Crossing: New Horizons will now finally allow you to back up your saved games, but they are not supported in the same way as cloud saved games for most other Nintendo Switch games. Announced earlier this year, New Horizons will be regularly updated at unspecified times, backing up its island and all of its inhabitants on Nintendo’s servers.

You can then retrieve this saved via Nintendo Support, and only if your Switch is broken or stolen, according to the very specific wording in the press release. It is also available only to players with an active Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Nintendo also claims that you will soon be able to transfer your island to another Switch with a future update.

The rest of this second summer update is easier. It will present a new fireworks display event, which will take place every Sunday at 7 PM during August. You’ll have access to new crafting items and the ability to create custom fireworks that can light up the skies at night.

In addition, the update also reintroduces Luna to the game, which will allow you to visit another island through your villager’s dreams. Unlike visiting an island with Dodo Airlines, islands in a dream state can be altered and changed without any permanent consequence. Luna will also allow you to register your island with the address of your dreams, which you can then share with your friends.

The second summer update will be released for Animal Crossing: New Horizons on July 30. The first update this season introduced swimming into the game, as well as new wildlife for you to capture and donate to Blathers.

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