Andrew Cuomo says DHS officials have ‘possible criminal liability’ for global entry ban

Cuomo, a Democrat, said both acting Secretary Chad Wolf and his deputy, Ken Cuccinelli, violated their oaths by participating in the effort, arguing that senior officials have “possible criminal liability.”

“You are the Department of Homeland Security. Is it plausible that you did not know what the laws were in this nation? No. They were caught. It was all politics, all the time. It was all exploitation, all the time.” And they hurt this state because of that, “Cuomo said at a press conference.” You can’t use the government for political exploitation. “

He continued: “It is illegal what they did. And I think it violates Acting Secretary (Chad) Wolf and Acting Deputy (Ken) Cuccinelli; they violated their oath of office … I think Mr. Wolf and Mr. Cuccinelli have possible criminal liability. I think there is civil liability. ”

Speaking later on Friday with CNN’s John King on “Newsroom,” Cuomo implored Congress and Attorney General William Barr to investigate the matter.

CNN has reached out to DHS to comment on Cuomo’s comments.

The department admitted Thursday that it made false statements to defend a decision earlier this year to prevent New York residents from participating in the Trusted Traveler Programs, including Global Entry. The admission in a court filing came the same day that DHS announced that it will allow state residents to participate in the program again.

The department had blocked New Yorkers from the program because of the provisions of a state law that protected information from undocumented immigrants applying for driver’s licenses to be shared with federal immigration enforcement agencies.

However, several other states, whose residents can participate in the Trusted Traveler Programs, which expedite service for pre-approved travelers entering the U.S., currently do not provide federal authorities with full access to the history of handling applicants, point out the court filing notes.

“It is impossible that the Department of Homeland Security realized yesterday afternoon … everyone knew that there were other states with Green Light laws,” Cuomo said, referring to the state law that DHS used to justify his decision to block New Yorkers. to participate in the program.

“What happened yesterday is that they got caught,” said the governor. “They got caught. That was what happened yesterday.”

The federal government’s move in February to ban New Yorkers from the programs came at a time when President Donald Trump was criticizing efforts by Democratic officials to limit cooperation between local and state police authorities and federal authorities in immigration.
