An 18-year-old newborn at the University of Dayton apparently dies from covid-19

An 18-year-old newborn at Ohio University of Dayton died Thursday, “apparently” due to complications from the coronavirus, school officials said.

Michael Lang, a first-year student at the College of Arts and Sciences, died after being admitted to a long hospital in Lagrange, Illinois, the university said. It is not clear how long Lang was hospitalized or whether he was infected with the virus on or off campus.

“We extend our deepest sympathies and prayers to his family, friends, professors and our campus community,” the university said in a message on Friday. “Michael’s loss calls on our campus community to honor his memory and support those affected by his passing.”

Lang lived on campus before returning to his hometown and moving to remote learning on Sept. 13, the university said.

On Friday afternoon members of the campus community were invited to light a memorial candle and pray at the school chapel.

As students returned to campus on Aug 8, the University of Dayton saw spikes and declines in Kovid-19 cases, forcing students between classrooms and instline instruction, according to Cron Ron Nickel Higher Education.

According to the Covid-19 dashboard of the University of Dayton since August 10, cases of Covid-19 have been detected. As of Monday morning, 38 active people and a total of 1,377 cases of the virus have been reported in the school.

Lang, who died of Congid-19 or related complications, is not the first college college student.

In early September, Jamin Stephens Jr., a 20-year-old footballer at the University of California, Pennsylvania, died of covid-19 complications, NBC and Washington Shington said.

And late last month, NBC News reported that Chad Dorrell, a “healthy” sophomore from Appalachian State University, died of coronavirus at the age of 19.

Michael’s father Paul Lange said on the Today show that his family was devastated by the loss of his son.

“Our baby is in a better place, and he will look at us.” “But he’s 18. He was too young.”