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Edward Helmore has news of the case growing in some New York City neighborhoods:

Senior members of New York’s Orthodox Jewish community have returned after city officials tried to consider an increase in coronavirus cases.

Last week, the New York City Department of Health threatened to shut down non-essential businesses in neighborhoods with large Orthodox communities in South Brooklyn, leading to a so-called “Ocean Parkway Cluster” surge in Covid-19 cases.

In recent weeks, 71.71 %% tests have been conducted in the Midwood, Borough Park and Bensonhurst neighborhoods. For the positive has come again. The city’s overall positive rate has been around 1% for more than two months.

On Friday, radio host and community activist Hashi Tisler blocked a Covid-19 awareness meeting hosted by New York City Health Commissioner David Chokshi, called officials liars and compared them to Nazis.

“He is lying! When a man lies, he has to interrupt! You’re a liar, “Tishler said, refusing to wear a mask or keep six feet away from those in attendance. “Your reports are false. You are lying and I will not let the lie go. “

A day earlier, the city’s health department had warned it would shut down non-essential businesses if infection rates did not begin to decline. Officials have urged members of the Rohingya community to follow social distance guidelines, and said the city will distribute masks, gloves and hand sanitizers.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio also took additional note of the case in those neighborhoods. “This is something we need to address immediately with a very aggressive public health effort,” he said.

The issue is not new. At the start of the epidemic, state officials called on pro-Jewish Jewish leaders in New York City and suburbs, including Spring Valley and Mons, to take security measures seriously.

The city does not break the case by religion, but the area has a significant Jewish Jewish population. Officials had earlier criticized the community for holding funerals and religious ceremonies without taking a clear look at social distance measures.

Last month, de Blasio gave the big wedding 16 new cases in Borough Park. During a massive funeral in Williamsburg, de Blasio left him alone and after being pressured by rabbinical leaders, the mayor, along with other political leaders, clearly stopped mentioning Orthodox communities.
