Americans torment at Christmas while Trump golfs and sows chaos

But, after enduring so much, Americans can hardly be blamed for experiencing the aggression of another clumsiness at the hands of their leaders.

House Republicans on Thursday rejected an attempt by Democrats to pass a bill that includes direct 2,000 direct payments to Americans – certainly demanded by Trump in a video released this week, in which he rejected a bill with a weekly payment of 600, which his The support went through heavily. Administration.

In the Republican-controlled Senate, there is not enough support for a bill with a check for $ 2,000. Trump Chamber’s G.O.P. Engaged in open animosity with leaders as they accept the reality that they have lost the election, a controversy he admitted on Twitter, after returning to Mar-a-Lago from his golf course the day before Christmas.

“At today’s meeting in Florida, everyone was asking why Republicans don’t take up arms and fight on the issue of Democrats rigging the hard-line presidential election.” He asked, using the word “meeting” somewhat freely. “Especially in the Senate, they said, where you helped 8 senators win their race. How quickly they forget!”

Bill Trump demanded that the congressional change be given to him in Florida on Thursday afternoon but he did not offer further clarification on what he would do with it. Government funding will end on Monday until Trump signs the package or Congress passes another stopgap step; He has undergone four such fixes in a single month.

No one seems to know what Trump wants – even if he knows himself – only at the same time as the impression of being more caring in the country’s chaos has increased, which is welcome.

Republican Sen. “I have no idea what they intend to do,” Blunt said Thursday.

Politicians relieve pain

Holiday weeks to test the readiness of the Congress to confront the President

In the past, when the government was about to close around Christmas, presidents and legislators stayed behind in Washington to keep a figure behind it. Trump also left his Florida vacation two years ago after agencies shut down.

So, too, the country’s leaders have generally tried some sort of concluding their components together when it becomes difficult to move forward – such as when health experts advise against holiday travel and family reunions.

But in the four years since Trump became president, traditional methods have largely disappeared. Trump – Despite claims by the White House that his schedule is full of phone calls and meetings, no one really thinks twice – when millions of Americans go hungry one at a time at another golf club.

With already afflicted Americans forced to wait months for more economic relief from the scourge of coronavirus, elected officials are unlikely to figure out how to move forward anytime soon.

“We were assured that the president would sign the bill,” Blunt told reporters on Thursday. Outrage over spending figures he proposed himself in the budget this year.

Go hungry

Trump shows erratic behavior in the final days

As Republican Trump works to shuffle what he wants, more than 12 million displaced Americans could lose their unemployment benefits this weekend, renting January 1 for millions of tenants and states losing any of the ભ 150 billion in unforeseen funds. Congress helped state and local governments cover coronavirus-related costs earlier this year.

At the end of that difficult year, millions of Americans are facing deep uncertainty.

“I think people are scared,” said Karen Pozna, communications director at Greater Cleveland Food Bank on CNN. “You know, they’re scared, there are a lot of people who lost their jobs or had to cut their salaries. The need was very good before the epidemic. It’s on now. And I see that it continues into the new year. “

Trump made virtually no mention of the epidemic toll for weeks; In the video he taps with the first lady for Christmas, he leaves sympathy for his wife when he recently declared the official vaccines a “Christmas miracle”, although most Americans won’t access the shots for months.

Lawmakers say they feel the heat from their constituents for something to happen, the pressure Trump doesn’t seem to share.

“I did a town hall yesterday where people were crying, people were scared of what was going to happen,” the rapper said after the Democrats’ move failed. Debbie Dingel, D-Michigan, said Thursday.

“The president – when we finally think we’ll be able to give people hope – the same people they need, hope for – and be able to continue working on this in January, he’s not imposing any penalties.” Said. “He threw more fear – he threw kerosene on the terror fire.”

It wasn’t just the Democrats who were frustrated.

“If he thinks going to Twitter and his team negotiated and we endorsed on his behalf, more people will be brought to him in this election fiasco, I hope he is wrong, although I think we will see. , “Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of R-Ohio tweeted Wednesday.

Seeing everything burn

Disappointed Trump met with Pence before the holiday break

In the end, Trump himself may not know what his ultimate goals are except to throw more gasoline into the system, when he intends to watch the burn as soon as he leaves office. Trump is angry that Republicans – who helped negotiate the law he rejected – are not backing him in his attempt to overthrow the election.

In Florida, Trump is often surrounded by more desirable hangars who, in the past, promoted his destructive impulses. On Wednesday, his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, flew with him to Florida on Air Force One.

CNN reported Thursday that Trump’s latest fixation is a testament to Biden’s calculation of the Elect Elect College Ledge on Jan. 6, on the occasion he hopes will be launched for his supporters to challenge the results.

While he was on vacation in Florida, Trump retweeted a call from one of his supporters for Vice President Mike Pence to refuse to ratify the results of the Electoral College.

Trump has recently told people that Pence is not doing enough to fight for him as his presidency is coming to an end, and has recently taken an interest in Pence’s traditional role during the certification. As Senate President, Pence presides over the proceedings.

Sources say Trump has raised the issue with the vice president in recent days and there is “confusion” over whether Pence could overturn the January election results. Pence and White House colleagues have tried to persuade him that his role is not to deny his role of formality and that unilateral election college votes.

It is clear that the President has internalized the message.
