De Big Brother fandom seemed a little dazed by the warm weather, and were repeatedly tricked by the clever and agile Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha.
With Tyler in power as the newest Head of Household (and his six-person alliance, The Committee, which dominated the game very much), Janelle and Kaysar became the obvious targets, and no one could compete in the Safety Suite after swiping their VIP. tickets two weeks ago. They both went on the block, they both failed to win the power of Veto … and on Thursday fans of BB6 en BB7 saw the story repeat itself when the pair were re-released.
But which half of this two-person alliance ran out the door first? Read on for the highlights of Thursday’s episode:
THE STRATEGY | The veto ceremony has barely ended, and Tyler already seems to regret nominating Janelle and Kaysar as a couple, with the expulsion of one of the characters Tyler only going to be higher on this summer’s big goals list stoare. But the damage from Tyler’s HOH rule has already been done, and both Janelle and Kaysar are left to collect votes for themselves.
To Janelle’s credit, she camps happily and tries to convince Committee members (and others) that she remains an enormous threat if she stays indoors and can grab the attention of other large fish. But while she has the support of Bayleigh, Da’Vonne and Kevin, Janelle really needs the voices of power players like Cody, Daniele and Enzo, and Daniele seems at least powerfully reluctant to keep Janelle round. And although Janelle tries to persuade Cody to flip, assuring him that she would love him off the block if she wins Head of Household, it’s unclear if Cody and his alliance will buy what Janelle is trying to sell.
Meanwhile, David – whose strategy this summer can only be described as “doubtful” – arrives in hot water with Tyler after accidentally (?) Taking Tyler and Cody under the bus to Da’Vonne and Bayleigh. David seems appropriately remorseful for selling one of his closest allies, but Tyler does not hesitate to tell David that his gameplay is “sloppy”. What’s more, in the Diary Room, Tyler remains the question of whether sending Janelle away is the right move, seen as the absence of Janelle Tyler would make the No. 1 goal in the wake of David’s rookie mistake.
THE EXPOSURE | But after several days of hopeful campaigning, it’s time for the vote – and Daniele, who has been passionate about the idea of ousting Janelle all week, suddenly decides to vote Kaysar when the time comes. (Even Julie Chen Moonves is shuddered.)
Unfortunately, Dani wholeheartedly does not indicate that the whole house has been turned upside down: She and Enzo are the only ones voting to oust Kaysar, and Janelle is ousted in a 9-2 vote. When asked to name the housekeepers who voted to keep her, Janelle immediately suggests Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, followed by Memphis and Kevin, and she is shocked to learn that they really were Daniele and Enzo (also wants “the man of New Jersey”), She is ek shocked to discover that Memphis and Christmas are part of the Committee with Cody, Nicole, Tyler and Dani, and Kaysar’s farewell message – in which he promises to remove the alliance that Janelle loses – only makes her more bummed, seeing Kaysar has no idea that Memphis is not to be trusted.
THE HOH COMPETITION | Finally, it’s time for the Head of Household competition, for everyone except Tyler. This week it’s a competition that expands to the end of the live broadcast, in which guests have to roll three balls on a ramp and they have to sink into three holes in the center of the ramp. But it’s much more complicated than it seems, and all the housewives are still fighting for the win by the time the episode ends.
Your turn, Big Brother fans! Were you bumbling to see Janelle so soon? And who do you want to win the Head of Household competition? Tell us in the comments below!