Alexander Lukashenko tells Protestants to kill him in order to win new elections

This does not sound like a man who will go quietly. Belarussian leader Alexander Lukashenko warned protesters on Monday that he would not give in to their demands for a new presidential election – unless they assassinated him.

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered over the weekend in the capital Minsk to protest the contested elections held earlier this month. Protesters are worried about proven poll-rigging and police violence in the ensuing protests, but Lukashenko has rejected any suggestion that the vote could be re-run.

“We have already held elections. “Until you kill me, there will be no other elections,” he was quoted as saying by Belarusian media during a visit to a tractor factory on Monday morning. ‘You would never expect me to do anything under pressure … She [new elections] will not happen. ”

Lukashenko revealed that he had suggested that he consider some form of constitutional reform to be part of his own power, but insisted that his hand not be forced by the protests.

The man is also known as the last dictator of Europe told told the workers that Protestants were tortured last week because they had attacked police.

When the president spoke to what he thought should be a friendly audience, the workers shouted ‘Leave’, and heckled him. Lukashenko, in the midst of an unusual public humiliation, finally told the crowd he was ready and they could scream now as he turned and stormed off the stage.
