Alcohol delivery company sales increased during the election

Delivery company Dricley’s alcohol sales rose on Tuesday as many Americans expected the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Sales of alcoholic beverages, including blue, alcohol and beer, increased nearly 75 percent on election day in blue states such as California, Connecticut, Oregon, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Washington, New Jersey and Illinois. N.P. R.

In the sale of states favoring Republican candidates, including Wyoming, Idaho, Louisiana, Tennessee, Missouri and Oklahoma. Tradition increased per cent, while sales in the swing states nearly. Percentage has increased, NPR said.

Sales in major U.S. cities, including Washington, D.C. and New York City, have risen sharply, the NPR reported.

The largest percentage of Drazley’s increased sales was for liquor deliveries, which accounted for 5 percent of the total, followed by alcohol at 1 percent and beer at 1 percent, the NPR said.

The company’s overall sales on election day rose nearly 68 percent overall, surpassing sales from the last four Tuesdays. According to NPR, Drizley saw a similar boom four years ago during the 2016 presidential election.

The results of the 2020 presidential election are still pending as vote counts continue in Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Arizona. Both have not yet been called up for the race President TrumpDonald John Trump pulls ahead of Trump in Biden Georgia Biden takes the lead in Georgia, Pennsylvania gains in Gore: this election is ‘different’ more than 2000 Or a democratic presidential nominee JB bidenBiden leads Trump in Georgia Biden takes lead in Georgia, Pennsylvania gains in Gore: This election is ‘different’ more than 2000.
