Alabama Mayor steps down after controversial Black Lives Matter Facebook posts

An Alabama mayor resigned after controversial Facebook posts about the University of Alabama football team and their posts supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.

According to local news reports, Mayor Mark Chambers of Carbon Hill, Alabama delivered his resignation letter on Saturday, although the city has not yet approved it. An emergency meeting is scheduled for Wednesday.

The resignation letter came the same day Chambers posted on Facebook that he was selling “several” photos, saying that the Alabama football team and head coach Nick Saban “ended up in my opinion,” according to

In response to one person’s comment on the team’s performance, Chambers said: “I am not going to get rid of them because of how they have performed. His unfortunate political point of view is why his [sic] get out of my house. “

To another comment, he replied, “When you put black lives before all lives, they can kiss my butt.”

Chambers’ Facebook post came two days after Alabama Football tweeted a two-minute video featuring players and Saban reading an essay by offensive lineman Alex Leatherwood. The essay included the sentence, “All lives cannot matter until black lives matter.”

The city’s mayor with about 2,000 people had been involved in a controversy last year after defending a public Facebook post where he suggested “killing” gay and transgender people, socialists, and “baby killers.”

Chambers, who became mayor in 2014, later apologized for the remarks. Two Carbon Hill council members decided to resign over their comments.
