Affordable twins for the series 6?

Apple is expected to announce the next Apple Watch, the Series 6, sometime in the next few weeks. The new smartwatch will likely not have a radically different design from the Series 5, although it will have some fitness perks such as monitoring blood oxygen. However, a big question that is still difficult is what will Apple do with the Series 3?

Last year, Apple officially dropped the price of the Series 3 to $ 200, making it the best smartwatch for people with an iPhone on a budget. Apple also stopped the Series 4 completely to clearly determine the difference between its two smartwatches. But with the new heavy release of the Series 6, Apple can not stop the Series 3 and upgrade the Series 4 to be the “new affordable option”, because the Series 4 has already ended. It could hold the Series 3, of course, but that would be kind of anticlimactic and the Series 3 shows its age.

Another option is that Apple could announce a brand new affordable smartwatch – which is exactly what at least one leaker, komiya, is predictable, expected that the new “Apple Watch SE” will actually be an updated version of the Series 3.. It is assumed that it will get an updated processor and chipset and Bluetooth 5.0, and only available in an aluminum 42mm model.

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However, when the Apple Watch SE comes to fruition, don’t expect it to be released (or even announced) this fall. You will probably have to wait until March.

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