According to new observations, galactic haloes are both wider and more complex than scientists realized. Hubble Space Telescope.
The Venerable Telescope turned its gaze to neighboring Andromeda Galaxy using dozens of different quarks to map the galactic halo. Andromeda, formally known as M31, is a spiral galaxy about the same size. Milk Ganga With about 1 trillion stars, we live in a galaxy. Globally, it is exactly the next door, only 2.5 million light-years away, meaning Hubble could study its halo in the absence of detail.
“This is truly a unique experiment because its halo information with Andromeda alone is not just one or two points of view, but more than 40,” said Nicholas Lehner, an astrophysicist at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. NASA said in a statement. “This is the basis for capturing the complexity of the galaxy halo beyond our own galaxy.”
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Those scenes are created by an active black hole in the center of the galaxies opposite Andromeda. These substances, called Quars, Generates a lot of light and it is easier for scientists to know that the gas in the halo studies the halo rather than how it studies light. Hubble therefore turned its ultraviolet gaze to 43 different quarters ahead of Andromeda and analyzed their light to map aerated charged carbon, silicon, and oxygen in the halo.
Andromeda Galaxy The halo is not just a convenient target; Scientists also think that, given the other similarities between our neighbor and our own galaxy, the halo of Andromeda is difficult for us to study from inside the galaxy, which is difficult to study from inside the galaxy.
Samantha Barrack, who is working on research as an undergraduate at Yale University in Connecticut, said in a statement that it is important to understand the vast collection of gases around the galaxy. “This reservoir of gas contains the fuel for the formation of a future star inside the galaxy, as well as currents from events such as supernovas.
Researchers have found that the halo itself extends beyond space, which is about 1.3 million light-years compared to a galaxy – and in some places 2 million light-years. If human eyes could see it, it would be three times wider than this Large dipper, According to NASA. Initially, the halo of Andromeda covers more than half the distance between Andromeda and the Milky Way, indicating that the two haloes are connected.
New research has also found that the formation of the halo of Andromeda is also more complex than previously expected, with two distinct layers. “We get an inner shell that extends to about two million million light years, it’s more complex and dynamic,” Lehner said. “The outer shell is smooth and warm.”
Lehner and his colleagues suspect that the formation of the two halves of the halo may have been caused by stellar explosions known as supernovas inside Andromeda’s main disk, which would affect the interior of the halo more dramatically than the outside. Supernovas In the universe, there is also a major method for dispersing heavy elements, such as those identified by researchers in this study.
The research relies on Hubble’s ability to see in ultraviolet light, a rare genius in current space telescopes. But even Hubble can only make a detailed map of the events of very close galaxies; Most other galaxies do not have enough observable quarters on their distant sides to focus on the telescope.
But if we were to look closely at just one galactic halo, it would be one that overlaps with our own. And, finally, we will also be closer to the halo of Andromeda, as our two galaxies are slowly becoming more attractive to each other and will collide in a few billion years.
The research is described A paper Published in the Astrophysical Journal on 27 Aug Gust.
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