ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel attacked NBC for earring at Trump Town Hall

During his late-night monologue on ABC Wednesday night, Jimmy Kimmel was embroiled in a controversy over both his network and the townhall events taking place on Thursday on NBC.

“You know, there was going to be a discussion last night, but Trump won’t accept the virtual format they wanted because he tested positive for coronavirus, so he absolutely supported it.” “So there was no discussion, so Biden agreed to do a town hall on ABC that night.”

It was then announced that Trump would also hold a town hall on NBC at a specific time. “So it settles down,” Kimmel said jokingly. “Now that I know what I’m going to do, I’ll vote for both of them.”

“Thank you, NBC,” he continued. “First The Apprentice And now this. Why don’t we have a new Bill Cosby Special there? ”
