Aaron Rodgers, Danica Patrick closes it

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Covering the private life of a public figure often presents a difficult decision. But when the private life of one public figure includes another public figure, it becomes much easier.

Three years ago, we noted that Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers and actress Olivia Munn had ended their relationship. And so we decided, after seriously considering not mentioning it at all, but realizing that others (including ESPN.com) had, to post a blurb about the fact that Rodgers and Danica Patrick have ended.

And there it is: your relationship is over.

They had met, according to ESPN.com, in 2012 on the ESPYs. They started dating in 2017 and were released in 2018.

Although they were not married, the decoupling carries some complications, including, among others, a Malibu estate of $ 28 million that they bought together in December.

What is the type of problem that many can relate to after a breakup. If Malibu’s $ 28 million estate was a dog or a bird or a $ 200 television from Best Buy.