A Swiss city was covered in ‘Cocoa Snow’ after a malfunction of chocolate factories

In the grand scheme of things that can fall from the sky, chocolate may be best, second only to … money? Now, one Swiss city is really living THE DREAM this past week when a malfunction at a chocolate factory caused magic stains of chocolate to fly through the air.

The company Lindt & Spruengli told the Associated Press that there was a slight malfunction in a refrigerator for their chocolate at a factory in Olten, Switzerland. As a result, chocolate, which it described as delicious cocoa beans, flew through the air and thanks to some strong winds, covered some of the city in chocolate goodness. Imagine you accidentally rip a bag of hot cocoa on your counter … but your counter is a whole city.

Fortunately, this incident was pretty harmless. There was one car lightly covered and the company has offered to pay for everyone who needs cleaning, but so far no one needs it. They were able to resume production and also the chocolate bars are “completely harmless to people like the environment,” according to the report. You can see the coating on a photo on the city’s Twitter.

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Due to the full slogan of bad news every day, people were pretty happy with this story, which feels straight out of a fairy tale … or just, like, a better year than 2020.

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This content is imported from Twitter. You may find the same content in a different format, or you may find more information on their website.

De Lindt Chocolate UK Twitter also responded to reports of the incident saying “Whoops! We made the snow chocolate fabric around our factory in Switzerland. The valves are fixed now, but we have some ideas for Christmas.”

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