A planet within the debris disk around the AU-Microscopii pre-main sequence star

  • PP: lead author, CSHELL / iSHELL gas cell lead researcher and observations, analysis and interpretation. JG, PG, BC, AT, SXW, RW: CSHELL / iSHELL data reduction and forwarding model codes. WM: RADVEL analysis. TB, DD, SQ, DF-M., E. Gilbert, C. Huang, DK, EK, EVQ, AV: analysis of the TESS light curve. KS, KC, NN, EP, JP: monitoring of ground observations. IJMC, DAB, PL, EN: Spitzer light curve. DF, BT, C. Hellier: inspection of terrestrial light curves. DWL: THREE. GA-E.: HARPS. GR, RV, SS, JNW, JMJ: architects of the TESS mission. SR, AK, SD, JT: TESS mission. FA, MC, MK, AR, VR, JW: disk physics. DAA, JES, AY: flash analysis. C. Beichman, MB, C. Brinkworth, DRC, SRK, BM, SMM, KvB: CSHELL / iSHELL instrumentation. BPB, CJB, JTC, J. Horner, JK, JO, CGT, RAW, DJW, HZ: MINERVA-Australis. AC, CD, EF, CG, FG, RH, TH, JH, CK, NL, MM, TM, AN, JT, BW, DW, PZ: CSHELL / iSHELL Observers. EJG: stellar parameters. AWH: Keck HIRES.