A new study says U.S. The COVID-19 bunch is nowhere near immunity

By the end of July, about a third of New Yorkers and less than a tenth of American adults were exposed to coronavirus, a new study of dialysis patients found. That level is far from “herd immunity”, with many hoping that the cause of Covid-19 will help end the goal of slowing the spread of the virus.

In some states, the infection rate was essentially zero, according to a study that tested plasma samples from more than 28,000 randomly selected dialysis patients from the U.S. In New York, the rate was .6 33 ..%, the highest ever in the country, with the rate shifting heavily to downstate counties. The next highest was Louisiana, 17.6%. New Jersey’s rate was only 11.9%.

Across the country, the infection rate was only 9%. Crowded immunity means that enough people are infected to prevent further spread of the virus. Experts say for coronavirus, it is about 50 to 65% of the population.

However, it is not clear whether the infection can protect anyone for long. Last month, the Nevada man became the first person in the country to receive COVID-19 twice. Several other patients from China and Europe have also been re-admitted.

As of Saturday morning, 203,789 Americans had died from COVID-19, and more than 70 million Americans had been infected, according to Johns Hopkins University’s COVID-19 tracker. About 4.5 million were recovered.

Dr.  Anthony Fauci speaks during a live stream with New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy
Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks during a live stream with New Jersey Governor Phil MurphyFacebook

Uneven infection rates mean that people in areas with high infection rates are less likely to be safe, as others will bring the virus from elsewhere, Harvard epidemiologist William Henaj told USA Today, who was not among the study’s authors.

An epidemiologist and biostatist at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. George R. Ford said in the paper that U.S. Nowhere near the end of the epidemic. Rutherford said, “The only way we’re going to get the mob immune system, unless you’re in a very closed community like a prison, is to get everyone vaccinated.”

Hanez is also concerned that communities not yet affected by COVID-19 have a false sense of security.

“We expect the small town of America not to boom first,” he said, “but over time, people move more and more, and as it is introduced more often, more communities will erupt.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says it is not impossible to double the number of people in the world due to an outbreak that began in China in December, according to a December report by the Washington Post.

“If we are to lose 1 million people in nine months and then in the next nine months we see the reality of bringing vaccines there, there is a big task for everyone involved,” said Mike Ryan, acting director of health at the WHO. Emergency program.
