As the Kovid-19 epidemic has developed, medical experts have used many different methods to slow the spread of the virus. So far, wearing a face mask, practicing social distance and washing your hands regularly has become practically another habit. But with the use of another potentially effective preventive measure the U.S. The main images have fallen into contact. In fact, a new study found that Half of the Kovid patients failed to report their close contacts after a positive test.
The research, which was published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Morbidity and mortality weekly report, Focused on a group of patients infected with Covid-19 in North Carolina during the period of “high incidence” of the disease in June and July, during which cases increased by 183 percent. The results showed that 48 percent of people in Mecklenburg County tested positive, with no contact, and 25 percent of those reported could not reach there.
The study also cites another important finding: the first time interval between patients who first tested positive and successfully indicated who they were in contact with was six days.
Failure to apply proper contact tracing is not limited to one state, either: Researchers also point out that no contact occurred in 50 percent and 52 percent of reported cases in Maryland and New Jersey, respectively.
“Despite aggressive efforts by the health department, many Kovid-19 patients do not report contacts, and many contacts cannot be reached,” the study authors concluded. “Reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission requires improved timing of contact tracing, community engagement and community-wide mitigation.”
Researchers are not alone in their belief that speed and efficiency are important for making contact a useful tool. A study published in a medical journal Lancet Detected contact warning in potentially infected patients in July and analyzed the effectiveness of effective timing. Researchers have found that “testing and tracing increase the coverage range and reduce tracing delays, for example with application-based technology, with the potential to prevent up to 80 percent of all transmissions, increasing the effectiveness of increasing exposure.”
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The use of application-based contact tracing hits a significant initial hurdle in the United States compared to other countries. But a recent re-release of software called Exposure Notification Express by Apple Pal and Google was put to use by public health officials in Maryland, Nevada, Virginia and Washington, D.C. “I would say this is an improvement,” he said. Jeffrey Kahan, Director of the Johns Hopkins Burman Institute BF Biothics, stated W. Washington Post. “It’s still not serving all the interests of public health as desired, but it’s better than nothing.” And in places where contact tracing may come in handy, check out these states where covid cases are skyrocketing.