A new ‘sea cockroach’ has been discovered, and it’s a nightmare thing – BGR

  • A new species of giant isopod was discovered in a survey off the coast of Indonesia.
  • There are now 20 species of these creatures that have been documented, but many more may remain undiscovered.
  • This species can grow up to 20 inches long, and they look like bedbugs.

It is a well-known scientific fact that humans still have a lot to learn about what lurks in Earth’s oceans. It is understandable that knowledge of the seabed comes slowly, as it is a rather difficult place to study and requires a large amount of high-tech equipment to do it well. In 2018, an expedition off the Indonesian coast hopes to fill some of our knowledge gaps by collecting as many animal specimens as possible to identify new species.

The team of researchers spent weeks collecting thousands of creatures from dozens of different locations around western Java, and it took them a long time to examine everything they found. Now, in new research work, the team describes the discovery of one of a dozen new species they have identified. Depending on how you feel about insects, you will find this new species of “sea cockroach” disgusting or absolutely adorable.

The new species, called Bathynomus raksasa, belongs to a group of animals called giant isopods. They have been nicknamed sea roaches, but their appearance is closer to that of the friendly pill insect, or wood louse. They are not particularly scary and spend their lives scraping the ocean floor in search of chunks of food and generally staying out of everyone’s way.

The new species is the 20th giant isopod in the scientific record, and while it may appear very similar to others in its genus, it is larger when it comes to size. These creatures can grow up to 20 inches in length. that’s big enough for a “sea bug” (they’re actually crustaceans, like crabs or lobsters), but they have a very special place in the ocean ecosystem.

When you delve into the creatures of the Dead Sea that float to the bottom of the ocean, you can think of them as the dumpsters of the seas. They may not be the most beautiful things in the world, but they are still a vital link in the chain.

They are relatively abundant in the world’s oceans, and scientists attribute their spread to the fact that they are of little interest to predators. They are not fleshy creatures, which is why humans and other predators have historically had little interest in them as a food source, and their armored shells can protect them from harm if attacked. If they feel they are in danger, they have the ability to curl up in a ball for added protection, just like a pill bug. They can also go long periods of time without food, making them incredibly tough.

Mike Wehner has reported on technology and video games for the past decade, covering the latest news and trends in virtual reality, handheld devices, smartphones, and future technology. Most recently, Mike served as technical editor at The Daily Dot, and has appeared on USA Today, Time.com, and countless other websites and in print. His love of reporting is second only to his addiction to gambling.
