A massive spam attack is ruining the ‘between us’ games in public

Speaking of hackers, their primary purpose in all this was to troll people. “I was curious to see what would happen and personally I found it funny,” he said. Kotku. “Anger and hatred are the parts that make it funny. If you care about a game and are ready to go and don’t like some random dude spam on the internet because you can’t shout [sic] Play for three minutes, that’s stupid. “

Like Kotku Point, From us Hacking has been a problem for a while, but this most recent hack is on a different scale. With the help of a dozen or more volunteers, the hacker claims that they have scored about 15 million games, affecting a total of 5 million players. At the very least, this From us Subredit is full of threads dedicated to the current situation. One, “Okay, who is Eris Loris?”, Has over 700 comments on the title. As you can imagine, most people don’t have positive things to say about Eris Loris, but some have tried to approach the situation with a sense of humor.