A ‘greenish’ light could sink the Titanic

– RMS Titanic We know that it claimed more than 1,12 lives and sank after hitting an iceberg in 1912. But what if the celestial collision was caused by lights dancing in the sky? So do the arguments Titanic Researcher Mila Zinkova reports in a new paper, Smithsonian. “Most people who write Titanic, They don’t know that the Northern Lights were seen that day, ”he says Hakai Magazine, Noted that charged particles in a solar storm can replace a ship’s compass. “Even if the compass moved only one degree, it could have already made a difference” and set the ship on its tragic path. Eyewitnesses described the “green” Aurora Boralis glow in the Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912. Titanic Fell down.

“There was no moon, but Ora Rora Boralis shines like moonbeams from the northern horizon,” RMS official James Bisset wrote. CarpathiaIs, which rescued 705 people from a sinking luxury liner. It can also explain how Carpathia Found Titanic, Zinkova argues – if the oma magnetic storm caused the liner’s SOS position to be distorted by 13 nautical miles and CarpathiaThe compass was similarly off-f-kitter, per Popular mechanics. Failed rora that night can also cause a failed radio broadcast. The official report blames amateur radio enthusiasts for jamming the airwaves for every living science, but who knows? Maybe Zinkova is on something. (Another space weather event could explode in 20,000,000 mines during the Vietnam War.)
