A few dentists tested positive for coronavirus after reopening, Alabama researchers found.

According to research published this week in the Journal of the American Dental Association, less than 1 percent of dentists tested positive for coronavirus in the first month after relapse, although their methods may be hotspots of infection.

The researchers conducted the study in early June and asked 2,195 dentists if they had been tested for coronavirus or showed any symptoms. Overall, about 1 percent of people have received a positive test result or a probable diagnosis from a positive cutter, according to results published in the Journal of the American Dental Association.

Early in the epidemic, infectious disease specialists were concerned that dentists may have a high risk of coronavirus. Alabama’s dental practices were closed in April for alternative procedures from a public health order, but many reopened in May after the order expired.

Almost all of the dentists surveyed said they practice increasing infectious control in office fees involving disinfectant surfaces, screening staff and patients for coronavirus symptoms and for regular temperature checks. Only 60 percent of dentists always wore the recommended protective devices, including N95 masks and goggles during procedures that produce virus-spreading aerosols. A professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry and co-author of the report, Dr. Mia Geisinger said the measures recommended by the American Dental Association have proved effective.

“The main thing is that the dental profession has taken this issue very seriously, and it shows.” This means that what dentists are doing – enhancing infection control and focusing on patient and dental team safety – is working. “

The study focused solely on dentists, but future research may include dental hygienists. Officials at the American Dental Association said they continue to collect coronavirus data. A few outbreaks have been reported in dental practice, but some patients have avoided seeing a dentist due to concerns about Covid-19 infection. By the end of June, the number of patients in dental office fees had dropped to about 70 percent below normal levels, the survey said.

The study is the largest among dentists in the United States to date, but the authors said it may have missed some dentists who fell ill and could not respond. However, it has also been shown that many dentures are not affected by COVID-19.

“Because of these findings and during the provision of dental care we have no informed reports about the transmission of COVID-19, so we feel it is important to resume dental visits,” Gazinger said. “Treatment and prevention of dental diseases, including cavities and gum disease, improves systemic health, and mer filling evidence suggests gum disease is associated with more severe COVID-19 symptoms. We know that dental care is essential for overall well-being, and this The study allows us to believe that the dentist’s office fee is a safe place for patients and the dental team. “

Updated research U.A.B. at 5:34 p.m. to clarify the research. No no but for the Journal of the American Dental Association