A Dutch gynecologist gave birth to at least 17 babies without telling patients, the hospital says

A gynecologist working on an artificial insemination program at a Dutch hospital used the sperm of at least 17 children without informing the parents, the hospital said on Tuesday.

Gynecologist Jan Wildschut, who died, worked at Sophia Hospital, also known as Isla Hospital, in the eastern city of Zwolle between 1981 and 1993.

“From an ethical point of view, Isala is unacceptable that the gynecologist-reproductive doctor was both a practitioner and a sperm donor,” the hospital said in a statement.

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The hospital said the gynecologist’s donor children, who have been confirmed by DNA tests, and their families are in regular contact and have a good relationship with each other.

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Officials have created a gynecologist’s DNA profile so that other babies born after fertility treatment at the hospital, Wildschut, can also verify if they have a biological father.

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This is not the first time a Dutch fertility doctor has been unmasked for using his own sperm to impregnate women.

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Last year, DNA results confirmed that Jan Karbat had given birth to at least 49 babies without informing their parents that he was using his own sperm.